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TSSAA Update

A bit back, I mentioned how some person from the Tennessee Secondary Schools Athletic Association threatened to hold his breath until he turned blue unless Murfreesboro banned guns in parks. Here comes the back tracking:

The Tennessee Secondary Schools Athletic Association is backing off its earlier stance regarding guns in parks.

5 Responses to “TSSAA Update”

  1. Huck Says:

    “It’s not really our business to tell them what they should do year round,” Childress said. “Our concern was what happens in our little space and venue (during state tournaments).”

    It’s not you business to tell anyone what’s allowed at anytime in a PUBLIC park. Just because you’re holding a event in the park dos’nt mean that you have the right to decide what’s allowed there.

    “Childress said the association’s attorneys are examining the law and looking into if the association has the authority to order no guns at a state tournament event, where it charges admission.”

    You should’nt even be chargeing admission fees if your event is being held ina PUBLIC area let alone deciding what’s allowed there.

    “Murfreesboro City Councilman Toby Gilley said the TSSAA’s new stance does not change his compromise proposal, which would ban guns during competitive sports events at city parks and allow permit holders to carry their handguns at other times.”

    So It’s legal to carry at all other times, but it’s illegal to do so when someone holds a event in the PUBLIC park?

    “Rutherford County Schools spokesman James Evans said that the parks bill does not affect the school system’s zero tolerance policy in schools or school events. He said the school board has not discussed the issue and it is not on next week’s agenda.”

    FYI people, a PUBLIC park is NOT a school and your pathetic “zero tolerance” policies dont apply off campus!

    Just more asshats trying to push their beliefs down eveyone else’s throats and violating the rights of others. Not to mention attempting to manipulate the law.

  2. Les Jones Says:

    Now they’ll have to reprint all of their rulebooks to change that unwritten zero tolerance policy.

  3. B Woodman Says:

    Pffffttt! What they don’t know, won’t hurt me.

  4. Model Citizen Says:


  5. Lyle Says:

    No doubt all criminals will politely obey all gun free zone rules;
    Watch the video.

    “As my momma used to say; stupid is as stupid does.”

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