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On the TN education front

Three schools in Blount County were identified as failing the benchmarks established by No Child Left Behind. The KNS says, spinning not so good news into kind of OK news, that only half as many failed this time.

But don’t worry, the wheel tax will save them. Oh, it’s not for schools?

The KNS also has this excellent No Child Left Behind Primer, it’s worth reading. I like the concept of No Child Left Behind in that it does establish standards. However, all my teacher friends assure me those standards are not very helpful.

4 Responses to “On the TN education front”

  1. Gunscribe Says:

    Hey teach…. pick me pick me I got the answer to this one ohh ohhh me …I know lets get the NEA in there. The problem is these teachers need a raise. You know the montra the more money they make thee better they will teach (OK sarcasm off before I puke on my own words.) After all I am still muching breakfast as I type this.

    My own personal take on every school system I have ever delt with and that includes the states of Vermont, Alaska, Montana, New Mexico and Nebraska is that they are so top heavy with administration (Read to many chiefs and chiefs assistants) that they would have the money they needed.
    Teaching is suppose to be a public service, salary competition should not be compared to the private sector, teachers should serve the public because they want to, not because it will make them rich. Having said that though they deserve a salary that will keep the ends met and have enough left over for their own life liberty and pursuit of happiness.
    Of the teachers I know, the one thing they all pretty much agree on is the educational down slide started when they took disipline out of the class room. You won’t get anything out of anyone until they understand taking responsibilities for their actions and that there are consequences for those actions both good and bad.
    There other thing they all agree on is that the school system is not a day care center, parents have to get involved and present a united front with the schools on the importance of an education.

  2. cube Says:

    “However, all my teacher friends assure me those standards are not very helpful. ”

    helpful for whom, the teachers teaching (they should know what to teach anyways), or the parents know which schools are doing the best.

    While i will agree that the test are testing the minumim requirments, that is still better than nothing.

    I am against the federal goverment being involved in schools, but they were all ready there before the NCLB, so that argument is mute

    But the federal goverment is good at providing standards.

    Memphis has also done well, about half the schools which were on the failing list got moved off.

    Once all the schools get off the failing list, they need to rasie the standards (which next year the start adding testing for science).

  3. Les Jones Says:

    Yep, the low ratings for county schools in Blount are why Melissa and I are planning on moving out of the county before our first kid starts school. Maryville city schools are incredible, and there are very good schools in Knoxville and Oak Ridge.

  4. Tracy Wilson Says:

    Inquiring about Maryville city schools. How do they rate? I have heard that Maryvilles has good schools. Can anyone give me feedback on this? thanks and you can email me at

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