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Guns and Gays

Peggy and Tom both take issue with a comparison of gun rights and gay rights I mentioned here. Tom says:

I like it. However, I do feel compelled to point out that it would awfully difficult for somebody to kill me with their homosexuality, so it’s not exactly a valid comparison…

Peggy says:

That guy made the classic apples & oranges mistake, so no wonder someone cried foul fruit.

First let me be clear, I support the right of homosexuals to get married and I support this act of civil disobedience. However, I tend to think this whole incident may well prove disastrous for gay rights instead of helping the cause. In the same way, if the man who wrote the letter actually did walk into SF with an AR15, he wouldn’t be doing gun owners a big favor either. I would still applaud him.

The incidents, however, are quite the same. Each is a peaceful protest to laws that are viewed as unjust.

The right to arms is constitutionally guaranteed. The right to keep and bear your homosexual marriage is not. Of course, I wonder what the opinions of gay gun nuts are on the issue?

12 Responses to “Guns and Gays”

  1. Chris Wage Says:

    However, I tend to think this whole incident may well prove disastrous for gay rights instead of helping the cause.

    How? Why?

  2. SayUncle Says:

    Because gay’s right to marry is not a popular position in the political climate. Even the prominent Dems are opposing it. With that said, the media coverage of this is giving voice to those who oppose it and may even lead to the abysmal Federal Marriage Amendment.

  3. tgirsch Says:

    Well, technically, prominent Democrats (and even a lot of Republicans) are saying they oppose it, but not actually doing much to stop it. It’s a political landmine. I can walk the tightrope by saying certain things and pushing certain bills that I know won’t pass, and keep myself “safe.”

    Not surprisingly, the idea of gay marriage is more widely supported in the general populace than it is in the Congress.

    As for the Federal Marriage Amendment, I doubt it will get passed (only 54% of Americans openly oppose gay marriage, not the two-thirds you’d need), and if it did, I’d move to Canada. 🙂

  4. Stormy Dragon Says:

    Someone mentioned gay gun nuts?

  5. skb Says:

    Yes, people like Peggy are going to be disastrous to gay rights like Charles Whitman was disastrous to gun rights. OK, then.

  6. SayUncle Says:

    Yeah bubba, ’cause that’s what i meant. Seriously, i guy who just enters the city with a rifle is not going to be a lunatic in a bell tower.

  7. Manish Says:

    I agree with SayUncle that both have the right to acts of civil disobedience as long as they aren’t hurting anyone. The question of course is whether they would be doing their respective causes any favours. With gay rights, I think the important thing is that America sees the true face of gay marriage, rather than the image of San Franciscans with multi-colored hair and piercings, so in that way, I think it will be successful. I’d love to see some of these couples appear on 60 minutes or something like that. In terms of the gun nuts, I’m not sure it will advance their cause.

    And the prominent Dems are just being lame. The Democrats are going to be tagged as the party of gay rights no matter what, they should embrace it. It should be noted that support for gay marriage in California has risen substantially over the last few years since Prop 22 was passed, and I think the marriages are part of it.

  8. peggy Says:

    Uncle, as I’ve said in my own pages and elsewhere, I think we will indeed see a terrific backlash because of what’s now happening. I guess I’m counting on the fundamental goodness & decency of most people to see us through.

    Yes, the right to keep arms is constitutionally guaranteed, and I support that. I think it’s the ban on assault weapons that you gun folks are actually riled about. I guess I wish you & your brothers in arms would think a little harder about the absurdity of our (or any) government trying to legislate love.

  9. James Says:

    #1 Democrats may be tagged as the party of same-sex marriage, but they can’t get away with actually saying the words. That is the reason they will likely vote for the Hate Amendment when it’s unveiled in a few months. I hope everyone tells their friends and family who may support this that it will ban *all* legal benefits for all time. Not just marriage. And common-law straight couples will also be affected.

    #2 You’re right that this will cause a devastating backlash, but I’m at the point now where I think this amendment was already going to get passed no matter what. The government is controlled by anti-gay zealots. The media is overrun with them. At least 60-70%, and growing, opposes same-sex marriage. Nearly as many oppose civil unions because no one ever tells them the difference between marriage and civil unions. Meanwhile, support for the amendment goes up and up at the same time. And while the fundamentalists whine about “judicial activism” (notice how happy they were when Roy Moore “judicially acted” on the 10 Commandments?), they happily go to court to take away any shred of recognition for gays. After all their bitching about the will of the voters, they are even trying to take away the domestic partnership registry in Cleveland Heights, Ohio which was approved by voters last November.

    I get so tired of hearing about how evil and dangerous people like me are. Or about how we’re all rioting in the streets and are going to cause anarchy, per that great moral barometer and political whore, Ahnold. I’ve finally just given up on ever being anything more than trash in the eyes of most of this country.

  10. peggy Says:

    On days when I let too much reality in, I feel like you do. Regarding the FMA, all we do is be activists against it & the politicians supporting it. But yes, it’s going to get even uglier than it already is.

  11. SayUncle Says:

    James, i tend to think the amendment won’t pass. It likely has over 50% but not the 2/3 needed to become an amendment.

  12. Classical Values Says:

    Apples, oranges, and other fruits of licensing
    Here’s a story which isn’t going to go away, nor should it. The right to arms is constitutionally guaranteed. The right to keep and bear your homosexual marriage is not. Of course, I wonder what the opinions of gay gun…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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