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Stop Touching It

Politichicks do a bit on guns. I’m happy they like their guns. I’m unhappy that they whip one out, start waving it around and pointing it in bad directions. Starts at about the 3:00 mark:

10 Responses to “Stop Touching It”

  1. ZerCool Says:

    Blondie called her on it, too, and the response was, “It’s empty, it’s safe.”


  2. Lamar Rieves Says:

    One co-host handles the gun like it has cooties–Jan also calls the mag a clip–du

    Glad to see they like A2 but looks foolish–

  3. nk Says:

    Now those are mares’ legs I like. 😉 Yes, I am a dirty old gynophile.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    I know their hearts are in the right place, but I couldn’t watch.

  5. John Says:

    Agree. Stop touching it.

    I got as far as “Let’s take the clip [sic] out…” then watched her, while still pointing it at somebody else, rack the slide then pull the trigger.

  6. Shootin' Buddy Says:

    The blonde chick looked like me at a gun show.

    “For the love of Pete, don’t let that moron point the gun at me again.”

  7. Jennifer Says:

    Big hair, too much make-up, bad gun handling. Geez. She makes several good points, but I just can’t get over her waving a gun around and using like punctuation. Yes, when I’ve talked to people about guns and they are irrationally fearful, I have given them the opportunity to actually handle one. This comes with 4 rules instruction and is done in a very safe manner. My son can give the same lecture. It does help to illustrate the point that it is just a tool. But while they are handling it, the entire focus is on them handling it safely. It’s not the magical stick that means it is your turn to talk now. They get to handle it for as long as they like and then it is safely secured (which may mean reloaded and holstered) and then the conversation continues. I want these people to understand that it is not a thing to be afraid of, but it is a thing to be respected. I wouldn’t just hand someone a chainsaw to wave around while we talked about logging either.

  8. breda Says:

    They’d be great for the next Sniper Babes calendar, don’t you think?

  9. Jerry Says:

    With Breda on this one.(Yup, the snark is as strong as the sarcasm.)

  10. Jennifer Says:

    They would indeed, Breda

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