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The Tennessee Blogger Bill

Over at Terry Frank’s, State Senator Jamie Woodson non-explains the retarded anti-free speech bill she tried to slip by with the help of Rep Briley. Briley was either 1) a toadie, 2) incompetent; or 3) a liar. Says the senator:

The bill that Chairman Briley inadvertently filed was a working draft of legislation proposed to me by a third year student at The University of Tennessee College of Law. I received the request in November 2006, prior to the convening of this legislative session. The student’s concerns related to encouraging web-site owners to remove knowingly defamatory statements against individuals from their web-site. This appeared like a reasonable subject of legislative discussion to me.

That is a mockery of our system of law and you should be ashamed. It’s almost like saying yeah, I just throw these out here without reading them. You just take random bills from random people and run them up the flag pole to see who salutes? So, I propose the following bill and any Tennessee reps who want to file it, go for it:


Tennessee Code Annotated, section XX, is amended by adding the following language:

Senator Goodson has made a mockery of law through negligence or incompetence. As such, each citizen of the State of Tennessee is entitled to deliver one swift kick to her buttocks.

What? Someone could file it. Her response is utter nonsense or an admission of incompetence.

AC has a round up.

7 Responses to “The Tennessee Blogger Bill”

  1. Heartless Libertarian Says:

    Proposed by a law student, eh? “Defamatory statements?”

    Did this student’s name show up on one of those, “Don’t date this guy, he’s a jerk” websites or something?

  2. bob Says:

    “…was either 1) a toadie, 2) incompetent; or 3) a liar.”

    Quite possible that 2 or even all 3 of those are true at the same time. Given that we are talking about a politician, it is very highly probable that number 3 is true in every case.

  3. JustDoIt Says:

    4) asshole politician

    (or is that reduntant?)

  4. #9 Says:

    Will Jamie run for Governor? While she was vilified at the website that is no excuse to pull a gambit like this.

    Jamie, save your time, you will never be Governor after this move.

  5. PhillyOne Says:

    I can’t imagine that “Bunny” (aka Jamie) seriously thinks she’ll be Governor. One would only have to dig (with little effort) up her past to squelch that.

  6. JustinB Says:

    Poor wittle Jamie got her widdle fweelings hurt on and had to stick it to the man….What a dumbass Jamie…oops…did I just defame her?

  7. # 9 Says:

    Poor wittle Jamie got her widdle fweelings hurt on and had to stick it to the man….What a dumbass Jamie…oops…did I just defame her?

    Dammit Justin, you have two days to take that off this website or SWAT will descend on your crib.

    Oh wait, Uncle will have to remove it.

    Never mind…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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