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Trigger Happy

The other day, I was trying to think of that psychological term where a person attributes their own unacceptable traits or feelings to other people. Turns out, I was wrong and douchebag is not a psychological term at all. It’s called projection.

2 Responses to “Trigger Happy”

  1. Lyle Says:

    Guns are bad, therefore people who want or own guns are bad. It then follows, and with no contradiction or lack of reason, that anything you say in favor of a right to bear arms should be dismissed out of hand as coming from a Gun Nut. You are wrong, therefore it is only a matter of coming up with proper response to show you that you’re wrong.

    The fact that you may appear to be doing a better job of supporting your position is evidence only that you’re a better bullshitter, and that makes you even more dangerous.

    The projection may be as simple as projecting a behavior that starts with a premise and then seeks a reason or explanation for it after the fact. That you may have done it the other way ’round simply would not register.

    Yes, wanting your civil rights intact is “selfish”. So is eating and breathing. A slave who wants to be free is also “selfish”. Don’t you know– you should live only as a tool or a plaything for someone smarter than you?

    I’ll go with “douchebag” as the more befitting, if it’s all the same.

  2. Speakertweaker Says:

    Jesus Pete, I can’t finish that post. I tried. I especially was taken nearly to dry-heaving about the one moonbat (Obamagirl) who was talking about how no one will commit crimes because Obama will appeal to everyone’s better self.

    Hell, I’m all for that! If he can “unite” the people so much that violent felons will suddenly strap on some Berkinstocks and sing “Kumbaya,” what a world that would be!

    But, just in case someone gets some bad stuff in their bong during the 83rd verse of “Kumbaya,” I’m packing.


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