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I can’t even get beyond the first paragraph because it’s so misleading

Dan K. Thomasson, in a piece long on stupid, says:

The nation’s police chiefs have a serious problem. Their troops are being outgunned, and to correct the situation taxpayers must increase law-enforcement budgets substantially or find some way to ban the circulation of weapons and ammunition meant for the battlefield – mainly, semiautomatic assault rifles and armor-piercing bullets.

What’s wrong with the opening paragraph:

  • semiautomatic assault rifles (or as a I like to call them weapons that look like assault weapons) are not weapons for the battlefield. Those are machine guns or real assault rifles, not the cosmetically similar versions available to the public.
  • The incidents of crime committed with these weapons was (last I recall someone counting) at significantly less than 1% of violent crimes.
  • And armor-piercing bullets are already banned.
  • If you’re going to lead out with three whoppers, I can’t even get passed it to read your anti-NRA screed.

    11 Responses to “I can’t even get beyond the first paragraph because it’s so misleading”

    1. nk Says:

      This formula may be useful some day when only Flobert CB caps are legal.

      How to make smokeless gunpowder base (gun cotton):
      90% concentrated nitric acid, 10% concentrated sulfuric acid
      (the sulfuric acid is there to “drink” any moisture and further concentrate the nitric acid
      Dip the cotton in the solution and saturate for a few seconds
      Take out and wash well in running water
      Let dry
      Test: Put a match to VERY SMALL quantity. If you did it right, it should disappear with a puff and no residue or lingering smoke cloud of any size.


      Source: Junior year high school chemistry class. Mine was perfect.

    2. Jaye Random Says:

      Another instance of the “cops are outgunned because of AWB lapsing” meme. That’s three hits in less than a month. I see a trend, and I see Brady/VPC behind it. Again, I think they are implementing a phased media plan. So, what is their next step after editorials?

    3. Brutal Hugger Says:

      1% of what, exactly?

    4. SayUncle Says:

      oops. violent crimes.

    5. CTD Says:


      I very much doubt that this buffoon knows what an “armor-piercing” bullet is. He’s probably thinking “a bullet that can go through a ballistic vest,” which you and I know to mean “any center-fire rifle cartridge.”

    6. Austin Mike Says:

      I stuck at the word “troops” not just because I have known both officers and troops since I was a wee lad, and troops the officers definitely are not, but because if the chiefs are thinking this way they have lost contact with their mission as police.

    7. Standard Mischief Says:

      The nation’s police chiefs have a serious problem. Their troops are being outgunned, and to correct the situation taxpayers must increase law-enforcement budgets substantially or find some way to ban the circulation of weapons and ammunition meant for the battlefield – mainly, semiautomatic assault rifles and armor-piercing bullets

      Shorter: We’ve already got the SWAT team, NBC suits, and the bomb disposal robot, but we need more pork, and we’re not afraid of a bit of fearmongering.

    8. markm Says:

      “And armor-piercing bullets are already banned.”

      But any deer rifle cartridge fired from a 16 inch barrel will cut right through any armor a man can wear without immobilizing himself. The cops are fortunate that criminals generally prefer the concealability of pistols to the power of long guns, because they aren’t going to get to ban deer rifles…

    9. Ravenwood Says:

      They’re probably drumming up support for the new and improved Clinton Gun Ban that’s been proposed in the House (HR 1022).

    10. Ravenwood Says:

      BTW, the new bill bans pretty much everything. Semi-auto shotguns, any gun with a detachable magazine and a “characteristic that can function as a grip”, and any gun that remotely resembles an M1, M16, AK47, etc, etc, etc.

    11. straightarrow Says:

      an acquaintance who works in the sporting goods department of a Wal-Mart Superstore has told me, in addition to his revelation a few days ago about Wal-Mart getting out of the gun business altogether when current stocks are gone, that almost every gun and every type of ammo has gone up in price to almost double what it was a few days ago. He was surprised and said he didn’t have a clue why a $300 gun is now almost $600 and nothing else has changed. Ammo has taken the same jump, he says.

      I suggested it might have to do with the fact that he voted for a Democratic majority in Congress this last time and they are pushing an anti-gun agenda. The R’s weren’t any good for us, the best thing they did was nothing. The D’s are enemies of gun owners.

      The extreme sounding crap they are pushing everywhere is just a set-up for what they call compromise. Where they agree to only take part of what they want, now. They’ll come back for the rest later. As soon as LaPierre helps them write another compromise.

      When do they give something up in the compromise?

    Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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