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Maxim 50 How-To: Loading, Firing, Unloading

I’m more interested in how to clean it:

7 Responses to “Maxim 50 How-To: Loading, Firing, Unloading”

  1. Heath J Says:

    With one of those gunshow solvent trap adapters, obviously 😀

  2. Kristophr Says:

    It looks like Mr Can does not ever come off.

    I guess you will have to soak it for some time in a bucket of solvent.

  3. nk Says:

    The traditional way for black powder is a bucket of hot soapy water and a ramrod with a rag, working the water up and down the barrel like a pump piston. Rinse off the same way with hot water, let dry, oil. Ruger says (or used to say) that you could just put their Old Army in the dishwasher, but I don’t know that this gun would fit.

  4. Kristophr Says:

    A ramrod, patch, and soap and water will just push crap into the can and baffles.

    You need to think beyond traditional ways of cleaning a smoke pole.

    I think soaking the whole can in a bucket of carb cleaning solution might work.

  5. BDubya Says:

    The well trained rifleman will have a hard time making three shots per minute with this loading scheme. Where does one stow the ramrod, seeing that it will not go under barrel?

    I guess one round per day in the field is it.

    Why not flare one end of that brass tube so that you don’t dump a big part of the powder charge on the can?

    How many rounds does it take to make the suppressor can into an ungainly useless mass on the end of the barrel?

    Why did they not make this a breech loader?

  6. Rammy Says:

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  7. mikee Says:

    Ultrasonic cleaner full of soapy water.

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