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An idiotic woman is upset that her son was exposed to NRA’s Eddie Eagle program. The life-saving program teaches kids that if they find a gun:

To stop.

Don’t touch it.

Tell an adult.

That is seriously what this person is upset about.


  1. rickn8or Says:

    Moms is not going to handle it well when the school starts covering sex education either.

    She’ probably okay with the kid participating in the “Moslem For a Day” program however.

  2. Jim Says:

    All guns are bad, see, so if you see one unattended you should call me and I will take it into custody for you.

  3. Shrimp Says:

    So, all guns are bad? Even the ones the cops carry, right, lady?

    Have fun explaining to your child that guns are bad, and that cops have guns, and people who are in trouble and need help should call the cops. Because I guarantee you’ve taught him (or let him be taught by the school) how to call 911 and who do you think is going to show up? Why in the hell should he call the cops if they carry bad and evil things like guns?

    At seven years old, he’s already smarter than you.

  4. mikee Says:

    The kid in this story, who attempted to educate his mother about firearms, knows he is dealing with an obviously hoplophobic, obviously irrational adult.

    I fully expect this kid to be just fine when he grows up, based on his childhood desire to play with toy guns and his ability to recognize that toys are toys, not WMDs that will cause him to go genocidal upon touching one.

  5. Ravenwood Says:

    Heh. The toy gun vs. real gun thing confounds a lot of people. I was once scolded by my mother-in-law (who is very pro-gun) for not correcting my nephews for running around and shooting at each other with toy cap guns.

    She said I should teach them the proper rules of gun safety. I told her that I actually had taught them the the rules when they got a BB gun. But they weren’t playing with a BB gun, it was just a plastic toy that made noise. We argued for a few minutes with me always going back to “It’s a plastic toy, not a gun”. The whole point of a cap gun is to be able to “shoot” each other without being unsafe. Finally she gave up, but never really got my point.

    I told my wife later, she really knows how to suck the fun out of things.

  6. Akatsukami Says:

    She is perfectly willing to sacrifice her son’s life in a noble cause like gun grabbing.

  7. JC_VA Says:

    They favor “Abstinence Only” education as far as guns are concerned. And it’s about as silly as any other AO “education”.

  8. TS Says:

    “They’ve just undone seven years of parenting in one hour,” the mother, who didn’t want to be identified, said.

    Well, if you weren’t lying to you kid for the past seven years, a little bit of truth wouldn’t undo it.

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