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Some merchant of death you are, buddy.

A gun shop owner thwarted a mass shooting:

A Hocking County gun shop owner may have prevented a mass shooting at Ohio University in Athens, authorities said.

John Downs, owner of a Logan gun shop, refused to sell a gun to 25-year-old James Howard. Howard passed a background check, but he made statements that indicated he may want to harm himself or others, according to ABC 6.

“There was a red flag for me,” Downs told ABC 6. “I won’t allow that; I don’t want that to be on me.”

Good for you.

One Response to “Some merchant of death you are, buddy.”

  1. jc Says:

    I’m of two minds about this. Yes, he MAY have prevented a shooting, but one cannot prove that he did. On the other hand, his “exercise of discretion” did keep the guy from exercising his God given, Constitutionally guaranteed right.

    Consider an analogy. Bartenders are now held responsible for the acts of the patrons. I’ve been refused service because the bartender thought I was drunk (well, yes, I was) and that I might pose a public hazard walking 50 yards home. Okay. Had I been getting into the Chevy SubHuman that was my daily driver at the time, I would have been a danger. But having gotten to the place in my Tony Lamas…

    The clerk in the store exercised his discretion, and it made the news. That sets a new standard, not a legal one, but one of public opinion. In my view, the clerk overstepped the law, and substituted his personal judgement.

    Law gotta be law. That’s why God gave us ink and paper, and I still don’s understand some of the stuff in the OT.

    Don’t be so fast to give a “huzzah” to this person. I’m seeing a camel nose.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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