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Offending someone against the law

At least, according to a campus police officer.

4 Responses to “Offending someone against the law”

  1. JK Brown Says:

    No worries, the officer has judicially given unqualified immunity. The official term is qualified immunity but it is actually immunity for police and bureaucrats from being responsible for being unqualified in their job.

  2. mikee Says:

    Please recall that the last big kerfuffle at UT-Austin was the Austin city police tackling a female jogger from behind on a sidewalk, for the crime of not hearing them order her to stop. She had earbuds in, and was JOGGING, so not only did she not hear the order, the order had no legal basis.

    So from that extreme to this, in just a few short months.

    Perhaps the local police and campus police could get together to determine that ideal mean between random tackles and criminalizing offended feels, and policing in the area will return to something close to reality.

  3. Gerry Says:

    So if the officer stupidly offends me, can I make a citizens arrest?

  4. Robert Says:

    Since the world is now full of micro-aggressions and trigger words, I dare say that I should have the police on speed-dial so I can instantly get someone arrested. The other day someone asked me where I was from. What? Are you serious? Do you think that I don’t belong here? Does my ethnic background preclude me from occupying the same locale as you? I could scarcely breathe from being assaulted with the aggressive and relentless inquisition.

    Offensive for sure. This person should be locked up and the key thrown away.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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