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In other news, there are sex robots

Campaign Against Sex Robots Launches, Because Some People Will Panic About Anything. Yeah, somebody, somewhere is always mad that somebody, somewhere else might be having fun.

8 Responses to “In other news, there are sex robots”

  1. Robert Says:

    Just wait until the Holodeck gets invented.

  2. LKP Says:

    Found a youtube lecture from this professor. I think she’s afraid she won’t get a guy if sex robots become a reality.

  3. Allen Says:

    Can’t wait for the war on sexbots.
    Something must be done!

  4. TS Says:

    What will our world be when people lose their virginity to a machine?

    Umm, pretty much the same that our world is now.

    …and they’ll still be virgins.

  5. The_Jack Says:

    So… do these folks pearl-clutch over porn and sex-toys?

    Or in their worldview is flying solo in only “bad” if the simulator exceedes some sort of quality threshhold?

  6. TS Says:

    “So… do these folks pearl-clutch over porn and sex-toys?”

    Yes. Yes, they do. It will be even more harmful than pornography, they say.

    By promoting “lies about women’s humanity,” sexbots present “a danger that builds on and surpasses the harms attributed to pornography,” Gutiu wrote in her conference paper.

  7. mikee Says:

    Sci-Fi writers nailed the PC position on this in the 1980s. I recall a short story wherein a space marine was introduced to his paid-for, shore-leave sex doll and finished his business with her in the by-the-manual 12 direct strokes. Which was the approved and taught method, and gave him a good feeling about how well he conformed.

    Later, when he discovers she is not a sex robot but a real human, being punished by the state, they fall in love and escape their dystopian society.

    I used to read a lot of weird Sci-Fi. Still do.

  8. @tahDeetz Says:

    I saw Campaign Against Sex Robots open for Thrill Kill Cult.

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