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Trump 2016: Destroy Everything


He strikes me as a narcissistic blowhard who says simplistic not politically correct things. And his not politically correct nature makes him popular because most people in the country think what he says but they don’t say it. I mean, except the bit he said about Fiorina. That was just total douchebaggery right there. She’s a fine looking woman for someone in her 60s. Anyway, back to the point.

Trump’s candidacy (and Carson and Fiorina for that matter) seems to be that people are starting to hate politicians and are looking for the outsider. I’m with them. But I doubt Trump and the other two are good enough just based on general anger or annoyance. I often think we’re better off just burning the whole political system down and starting over. Trump could very well be the guy for that job.

* I’m still hoping Rand Paul pulls it out. Go and give. I did.

20 Responses to “Trump 2016: Destroy Everything”

  1. Ken in NH Says:

    I do not support Trump, but I do support the chaos he has wrought on the primaries and the RNC. He pisses off all the right people. When Hurricane Trump spins out to sea to slowly disintegrate, I hope we are able to build it all back better.

  2. Huck Says:

    ‘On February 9, 2005, the HP (Hewlett_Packard) board of directors forced Fiorina to resign as chief executive officer and chairman over disagreements about the company’s performance, disappointing earning reports, and her resistance to transferring authority to division heads. At that time, HP had about 150,000 employees. Its stock price had fallen by approximately half its value compared to when Fiorina had started, while the overall NASDAQ index had decreased by about a quarter owing to turbulence in the tech sector.’

    That tells me all I need to know about her, a bigtime mismanager. Say bye-bye Carley.

  3. Piedmont Says:

    Based on my understanding of history, “let it burn” is NEVER the best solution, and is probably always the absolute worst. Any solution that keeps some of the framework in place while replacing major parts works better.

  4. JTC Says:

    Fiorina, Carson, Cruz…and Sarahcuda, all good veep material, each bringing something of value to the ticket.

    Problem is, there’s no top of the ticket…Bush? Shoot me now. Trump? He’s entertaining us and himself, but he can’t be and doesn’t want to be, prez. Paul? Not even a long shot. What were the rest of those names? Exactly.

    We’re fucked, because no real capable conservative manager/motivator would touch that gig. That leaves us, inevitably, with insurrection/civil conflict follow by my childrens/grandchildrens generations to rebuild the Republic that has been so thoroughly screwed up by mine, the “boomers”. Godspeed to them.

  5. Heath J Says:

    Let it burn.

    The RNC is past fixing, if Trump is the instrument of it’s destruction, at the very least things will be interesting.

  6. Deaf Smith Says:

    While I like some of has bravo, I still detest Trump. Not only for his attitude but his lack of both government and military experience.

    He has zero experience in foreign policy, and in realty, zero experience in domestic policy!

    HE IS WORSE THAN OBAMA. And that is pretty bad.

    Dump Trump folks. He is bad news.

  7. rd Says:

    I like a lot of Rand Paul’s positions.

    But I will not support him for President as long as Daddy Ron is still kicking. I know that if Rand is nominated, about October 20th good old Ronny will say something construed as either racist, neo-nazi or both. Or the MSM will discover the Ron Paul Newsletters (again), and they will use it to paint his son Rand and the GOP as racist sexist pigs.

    Anyone think that the DNC won’t use stuff like Luapnor45dotcomm against Rand? Or the worst of the Ron Paul Congressional policy positions?

  8. Gerry Says:

    I have had bosses like Trump. Smart, went to the right schools and think leadership is ranting and raving at subordinates when their decisions go in the toilet.

    Putin would take his lunch money.

  9. Patrick Says:

    I agree with Ken – Trump pisses off all the right people. He’s a clown running a clown show. But the more I see inside the tent the more I wonder if the clown is dragging us down or showing us for who we really are.

    At some point, I suspect a lot of people are going to walk into that tent.

    The rest of them play for competency but lack that jingoistic fervor that make people stomp their feet and scream “America!”

    Obama had it, even if his vision was not ours. So does Trump.

    I think the clown might just make it all the way. May God help us all.

  10. tincankilla Says:

    But maybe he’s the narcissistic blowhard that the GOP needs. Sanders vs Trump would be a hell of a presidential campaign, esp since they are both tapping the same resentment of inequality, elitism, and poor govt performance.

  11. mikee Says:

    I note in passing that Trump has exactly the same poll results as Carson. But Carson gets zero airtime on most news shows.

    Trump is a media darling, noticed by them only to distract from the others any attention they might get. It won’t be hard to destroy him with histories of his bankruptcies and multiple wives, when that becomes useful.

    Hillary will win, because at the current rate the Republican clown car is driving towards the cliff of public opinion, there will be zero effective conservative opposition to her megalomaniac corruption after the first few primaries. This seems to be the Media plan for covering the Republicans, and it will work.

    All hail the first female president, Hillary! And prepare to abandon ship.

  12. DocMerlin Says:

    Trump isn’t an outsider, he’s the definition of an insider.

  13. RCCJr Says:

    I’m as tired of establishment types as anybody. But remember, Nixon gave us the “outsider” Jimma’ Carter. He is now the second worst president, but it took obama to do that.

  14. Ron W Says:

    Jimmy Carter, for whom I ignorantly voted back in 1976, was no outsider. I thought he was a Southern conservative Democrat. He had already been chosen by establishment powers-that-be like David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Bryzenski to be promoted by the corporate media.(Don’t hold me to the spelling on that 2nd name) Don’t know about Trump; he is taking a couple of despised positions in opposing their globalist trade agreements and open borders. If he is truly an outsider, then there will be powerful behind the scenes attempts to derail his candidacy or he’d better have excellent security.

  15. Huck Says:

    “I think the clown (Trump) might just make it all the way. May God help us all.”

    Folks were saying the same thing about Ronald Reagan in 1980 as I well remember.

  16. Michael Says:

    DocMerlin has it right. Trump made his fortune by buying politicians and working the system. He is convinced that he is smarter than all us plebes. From a practical standpoint, his administration and policies would be indistinguishable from Hillary.

  17. Sebastian Says:

    We are all to be burned by the fires of populism, in all its incoherent glory. At this point, I am happy to get behind Carly, and that scares me. But who else can I look to? Walker’s convinced me he’s too busy listening to K-Street lobbyist who are telling him who he needs to be rather than being who he actually is. Maybe the bigger issues is that the electorate is sick of voting for lies wrapped in cheap paper and a bow.

  18. JTC Says:

    Which is why I left Walker off of even my veep list; if he’s already being played, imagine if he had any actual power. As for who else, as I said in my earlier lament, there ain’t a potus in the lotus. Carson ain’t got the drive or the charisma, but maybe he would follow his physicians’ creed…”first, do no harm.” The others I fear, could do (even more) serious damage.

  19. AJ187 Says:

    The republicans are getting everything they deserve. Parties in ruin and won’t listen to the guys with the last name Paul who TRULY promote what it WAS to be conservative. I’ve worked enough canvassing campaigns and phone banks to in the last two election cycles to know they only truly care about immigration and keeping the gays from marrying. There little minds can’t grasp the bigger picture.

  20. Robb Allen Says:

    A question no Trump supporter seems to be able to answer – name the policies that Trump has detailed out that will increase liberty & freedom in America.

    Liberty. Freedom.

    Two words lacking from Trump’s word salads.

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