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What could possibly go wrong?

A new DHS office to “counter violent extremism”. Via Glenn, who thinks this is weaponizing the feds against political opponents.

3 Responses to “What could possibly go wrong?”

  1. Lyle Says:

    A .35 caliber handgun eh?

    So he was carrying a “legal” handgun from DC to California. OK. What special variances was he granted, making such a thing legal? Or am I missing something?

  2. Gerry Says:

    “assessing the methods used by violent extremists to disseminate propaganda”

    MSNBC. Just right me a check for $10,000 and we’ll call it even.

  3. Roberta X Says:

    COINTELPRO, you’ve come back! …Sheesh.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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