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Rand Paul on the tax code

Blow Up the Tax Code and Start Over. Let me fix it for you: Blow Up the Tax Code and Start Over.

9 Responses to “Rand Paul on the tax code”

  1. 2ABill Says:

    Or just repeal the 16th amendment. We got along fine without it until the do-gooders got Prohibition passed. That dried up the income stream from excise taxes collected on alcohol. The 16th amendment was passed to replace the lost income.

  2. Ken in NH Says:


    Prohibition came with the passage of the 18th amendment and the Volstead Act, so I doubt the 16th was passed to replace lost revenue from alcohol taxes. In reality, the 16th, 17th, and 18th amendments were a raft of progressive legislation designed to get us to the point where we are now.

  3. Ron W Says:

    The 16th and 17th need to go the way of Prohibition.

  4. 2ABill Says:

    True enough – the 18th followed the 16th. However, it was necessary for new income to be in place before cutting off the income stream from alcohol. The ASL, led by Wayne Wheeler was a driving force in this area.

    I highly recommend the book “Last Call: The Rise and Fall of Prohibition”, by Daniel Okrent. It’s a very enlightening read, and gives insights into how pressure groups operate even today.

  5. MJM Says:

    Agree with Uncle, disagree with Rand. The income tax is the problem, not just that kind of income tax. Puh-leese, Republicans, stop advocating the so-called flat tax. It is an income tax. Like the one we got when the income tax started. The income tax is a source of so much anti-freedom mischief. To me, this reveals faults in Rand Paul’s thinking. Is there no Republican who would say, “Enough! Repeal it!”?

  6. Ron W Says:

    Rand Paul should know that like the Patriot Act, the Income Tax and the 16th Amendment gave the Federal Government UNLAWFUL power since it violates the 4th and 5th Amendments. REPEAL!!

  7. The Jack Says:

    Uh Ron, question of procedure.

    How can an Amendment to the Constitution be unconstitutional?

    Isn’t the point of an Amendment to… change what the constitution does?

    (And no this isn’t a defense of the Income tax)

  8. Ron W Says:

    Jack, good point. I actually used the term unlawful. I should have said it violates the principles enunicated in the Declaration of Independence, opponents which the Constitution is premised,and is a contradiction. The 16th Amendment grants a delegated power which comes down from the People and the States. And that empowers the lesser to usurp and violate the rights of the greater, the people, declared in the original Bill of Rights. At the least, the 16th should be REPEALED! Our Consitution should be amended to put in some effective and expedient ” liberty teeth”.

  9. Ron W Says:

    In #8, I meant to say, ” UPON which the Constitution is premised”…

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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