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Why we have the .44 magnum

Because Elmer Keith blew up a gun

3 Responses to “Why we have the .44 magnum”

  1. mikee Says:

    So the .44 Magnum is essentially a stronger, double action. updated Colt Peacemaker? Ok then.]

    Now explain where from and why for the .41 Magnum, red-headed, funny looking, likely adopted family member of the Magnums, came from….

  2. grendel Says:

    In “Hell, I was there” Keith said he wanted Remington to load .44special hot like his handloads that he was shooting through S&W triple locks. S&W was afraid it would blow up the triple-locks even though Keith promised them it wouldn’t. So he convinced them to make a beefier .44 revolver, with Remington promising to sell the new .44Mag cartridge which was a .44spl case lengthened .10 inch so it couldn’t be stuffed in an older gun. I don’t know where this .45 kaboom story fits in…

  3. Mike V. Says:

    As I understand it, Keith pushed to beyond the limit in every caliber. He one of the driving forces behind the .357 Magnum. I believe if he’d had his was we’d have seen a .45 Colt Magnum as well.

    This gives a decent explanation of the thinking behind the .41 Mag

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