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How to make reactive targets

I’ve done this before:

3 Responses to “How to make reactive targets”

  1. KevinM Says:

    We use dayglo orange surveyor’s chalk.

  2. John Stuff Says:

    Thanks for the link. I’ve got some more stuff on the way where you can have new fun with old targets. I’ll have to try the colored chalk.

  3. Lyle Says:

    That’s pretty neat. Gonne have to try it. Chalk-line chalk in the balloons would work too. I’ve used water ballons, which react very well, but they’re a bit more to handle. Soup cans filled with water are fun too. A variation on that is to buy the cheap soda in cases when it’s on sale and shoot the full cans– What you don’t shoot you can drink. A heavy steel can filled water and hit with a high velocity round will explode like a cherry bomb, which is a good way to illustrate the effects of velocity.

    Also; try a pair of cans sized so one fits closely inside the other. Partially fill the larger can with water and set the smaller can inside, on top of the water. Hit the larger can through the water, underneith the smaller can inside, and the smaller can gets launched waaay up into the air.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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