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4 ISIS terrorists arrested in Texas

Well, let’s see how this turns out:

Islamic terrorists have entered the United States through the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

JW confirmed this after California Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former Marine Corp Major and member of the House Armed Services Committee, disclosed on national television that at least ten Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) fighters have been caught crossing the Mexican border in Texas. The veteran lawmaker got the astounding intel straight from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Homeland Security agency responsible for guarding the 1,933-mile southern border.

20 Responses to “4 ISIS terrorists arrested in Texas”

  1. Ron W Says:

    And no doubt our own government will continue to leave that border undefended. According to an objective reading of Article III, Section 3 and Article IV, Section 4, such willful dereliction of this basic duty constitutes “aid to enemies” and therefore “treason”.

  2. BT Says:

    They’re leaving the border undefended, and yet they just apprehended four suspected members of ISIS. Tell me again how your commment makes sense? Then tell me how you would close a 1,954 mi border (much of it over mountainous terrain) where people on the other side show that they are willing to go Over, under, around, and through illegally on a daily basis? Tell me again how you would police a border that sees 5 million cars pass through it annually? Then in the same breath tell me how you want smaller government? Tell me again how 20,000 border patrol agents aren’t enough? Could you do better? Just sayin.

  3. Matthew Carberry Says:


    The “smaller government” attempted “zinger” is puerile. “Smaller government” on a Federal level means “government within Constitutional limits.”

    Technically, the Feds have one primary job under the Constitution, the protection of the national borders. A “smaller government” per the Constitution would, in fact, expend resources as necessary to secure the borders; both for security and to tax external commerce (the traditional source for national government revenue).

    Their only real internal jobs are to deal with the Indian tribes and run the Postal system, and make sure state’s aren’t running tariffs against each other.

  4. Texas Teacher Says:


    Well, this “Sources” fellow definitely sounds trustworthy.

    I’m gonna go ahead and accept this at face value, without requiring any sort of followup proof!

  5. Mu Says:

    Rep. Issa loves Rep. Duncan Hunter, he makes him look reasonable and well informed.

  6. BT Says:


    You forgot quite a few things, and I could fit in a few extra in the mix too by inference.

    Levy Taxes
    Borrow money on the credit of the United States.
    Spend when authorized by an appropriations bill
    Pay the Federal debt
    Constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court
    Declare War
    Raise armies, a navy, and provide for the common defense
    Introduce constitutional amendments and choose the mode of ratification
    Call a Constitutional Convention on the application of two-thirds of the States
    Regulate interstate and foreign commerce.
    Coin Money
    Standardize the value of currency
    Regulate copyrights and patents
    Establish federal courts lower than the Supreme Court.
    Limit the appellate jurisdiction of the Federal Courts including the Supreme Court.
    Standardize weights and measures.
    Establish uniform times for elections.
    Control the Postal System (including postal roads)
    Establish laws governing citizenship
    Make its own rules and discipline its own members .
    Provide for the punishment of counterfeiting, piracy, treason and other Federal Crimes.
    Exercise exclusive jurisdiction over the District of Columbia
    Establish Bankruptcy laws
    Override presidential vetoes.
    Oversee all Federal property and possesions
    Fill a vacancy in the presidency in cases of death or inability
    Receive and count electoral votes for the Presidency
    Keep and publish a journal of its proceedings
    Conduct a census every ten years.
    Approve treaties, cabinet level appointments, and appointments to the Supreme Court (Senate only).
    Impeach (House only) and try (Senate only) federal officers.
    Initiate all bills for raising revenue (House only).

    And if you think that I’m wrong on inferring powers, here’s and example. The Federal government’s powers flow from general provisions in the Constitution. To take a simple example, the Constitution gives to the United States the right to coin money. It would certainly follow, therefore, that the government had the right to make the design for the coinage.

    So if you say my zinger is puerile, I say your statement about the federal government having 3 jobs is a naive oversimplification.

  7. Ron W Says:

    Great points, Matthew.

    Although I wrote nothing about “smaller government”, I think BT perhaps correctly infers that Constitutional government results in smaller government.

    Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution says, “the United States SHALL protect the States against invasion”. BT helps make my point when he says, “where people on the other side show that they are willing to go Over, under, around, and through illegally on a daily basis?” Yes, and the fact that an estimated 12-20 million have been allowed to do that demonstrates our government failing to carry out do one of its “few and defined” duties. But then, it appeases and accommodates the invaders imposing the hundreds of billions of cost on U.S. citizens, for which it has NO delegated power which gives incentive for invaders to be “willing to go Over, under, around, and through illegally on a daily basis.”

    One final point, our nation has spent billions in money and manpower defending the border between North and South Korea since 1953. Why is it ridiculously supposed that we, a “superpower” can’t do the same for our own?

    “Nothing can destroy a government more quickly than its failure to observe its own laws, or worse, its disregard of the charter of its own existence”
    U.S. Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark – Mapp vs. Ohio

  8. The_Jack Says:

    What BT misses is what fraction of the Fed’s budget is actually spent on constitutional tasks.

    Heck even within agencies with clearly defined missions there’s an abundance of mission creep.

  9. Ron W Says:

    Great points, BT.

    The Federal Gov’t should be restricted to and mandated to perform its enumerated powers pursuant to the Constitution, one of which is to “protect the States against invasion.” (Article IV, Section 4)

    I especially appreciate your citation of these three Constitutional crimes: “Provide for the punishment of counterfeiting, piracy, treason and other Federal Crimes.” And since imposing the appeasment and accommodation of invaders on our citizens is not on that list–let’s end the criminality.

  10. Ron W Says:



    All of us who are employed have job descriptions, delegated powers, responsibilities, duties by which we must abide or be dismissed. It should be the same for those we employ to administrate our government.

  11. BT Says:

    Our current Congress hasn’t done S#!T this past term. If it were up to me, I would call for traditional roman decimation with the leadership of congress being required victims. Maybe that would make them take their real duties more seriously.

  12. BT Says:


    I notice you haven’t provided any real proposals for sealing the border effectively. I have no sympathy for congress, but I have a lot of sympathy for Border Patrol agents who have a nigh on impossible job.

  13. Ron W Says:


    “I have a lot of sympathy for Border Patrol agents who have a nigh on impossible job.” –BT I agree with that because the main problem is an unwillingness by derelicts-or worse in our government, especially the Executive Branch, in this current and previous administrations, which have the duty to actually ENFORCE THE LAW.(Maybe they could pretend that illegal aliens were like citizens not paying income taxes) We could augment our Border Patrol with our hi-tech military instead of having the Border Patrol as much as 100 miles inside our country unconstitutionally harassing citizens at checkpoints and our military fighting illegal, unconstitutional wars of occupation. As I said, and for example, we have spent billions the last 60+ years defending a border in Korea. Let’s do it for our own citizens. And then END all the incentives for invaders by stop appeasing and accommodating them at our citizens’s expense. Make it very high risk to enter ILLEGALLY and END any benefits to do so. And finally, let’s have our government treat people that illegally enter our country the same way it treats citizens who try to illegally enter prohibited government installations like “Area 51”.

    But the main problem are government derelicts, rogues, criminals who refuse to obey their Constitutional oaths of office.

  14. Deaf Smith Says:

    “ISIS? We don’t see no stink’en ISIS!”

    No doubt the government will say just that and then hurry to scrub any reference to these people from their emails (ops.. another computer crash!)

  15. Paul Kisling Says:

    I would be surprised if they really are ISIS. I figure it is more of the FBI invent a crimes.

  16. dustydog Says:

    Presidential pardon as Obama leaves office, guaranteed!

  17. Paul Kisling Says:

    The DOJ is claiming they were PKK Kurds entering and will be promptly deported before anyone can talk to them…

  18. Geodkyt Says:

    BT — which branch of Congress hasn’t done squat this session? The one that has sent over nearly 400 approved bills (often with strong bipartisan support), or the one that refuses to allow those bills to even be DEBATED on the floor, much less voted on?

    Proposals *have* been made. Even voted on. *One* party keeps blocking implementation of them, claiming that the border is plenty secure already.

    As for teh difficulty of closing the border due to terrain difficulties, I’ll just not one simple fact:

    Terrain difficulties work both ways. Places where it is effectively impossible to adequately secure and patrol are ALSO areas where it is extremely difficult to cross.

    Most of our illegal immigration traffic ISN’T scaling the mountains like Sherpas. They are simply driving or walking across completely unsecured stretches.

  19. Chas Says:

    “Balls? We’re dropping balls again?”

    “Yeah, well, we’ve dropped them before. What makes you think that this is any different than before?”

    “We still don’t know what they are. They’re like six foot diameter UPS packages. I mean, we’re dropping them on ISIS, so it can’t be very good for them, maybe, but what are they, really? I mean, they never explode, so what the fuck are they? What the fuck are we doing?”

    “Who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares. We just drop ’em and we get paid anyway. Nothing lost, nothing gained. We just do our job and the money is direct deposited. I think I’m going to buy a boat next week.”

    On the ground below the departing C-130, a pair of hairy black feet armed with nasty claws hit the ground. Other pairs of such feet landed nearby. The US military had landed its first company of genetically engineered lycanthropes against ISIS. Within 24 hours, they would regret it.
    The reason that they would regret it would be that a CIA deep penetrative operative with knowledge of the ISIS commander’s precise location would be surrounded by those same lycans, and that they would simply kill him, as they would any ISIS operatives.
    “Mr. President, boots on the ground.” was stated over the telephone.
    President Barack Obama immediately hung up the phone and stated to his closest associates seated around him, “Oh, fuck”.
    Obama paused a moment, and then picked up the dedicated line again and spoke into the phone, “Mr. Chairman, please tell them to be careful”.
    The response that he heard was, “They’re dead men, Mr. President, how can I tell them to be careful.”
    His response was, “Well, I guess you can’t. Carry on Mr. Chairman.”
    “I will do that, Sir. With any luck they’ll get the information out. Otherwise, they will simply be dead, and for nothing.”
    Obama immediately hung up the phone, and said to his friends, “Looks like everything is going to be okay! Let’s party!”


    “How did you get here?”

    “I was bitten Mr. President.”

    “What do you know?”

    “Enough to put a rope around your neck for treason ten times over and then some, Mr. President. Don’t bother calling the Secret Service, Mr. Obama, they’ve already given their lives in your service. I’ve seen to that. It’s you whose life hangs in the balance, and according to the laws of the United States of America, you, Sir, are a dead man. Good bye.”

    With that, he disappeared, and was never seen or heard from again. Former President, Barack Obama, was hanged by the neck until dead on July 6th, 2018.

  20. Chas Says:

    Balls? We’re dropping balls again?”

    “Yeah, well, we’ve dropped them before. What makes you think that this is any different than before?”

    “We still don’t know what they are. They’re like six foot diameter UPS packages. I mean, we’re dropping them on ISIS, so it can’t be very good for them, maybe, but what are they, really? I mean, they never explode, so what the fuck are they? What the fuck are we doing?”

    “Who the fuck knows, who the fuck cares. We just drop ’em and we get paid anyway. Nothing lost, nothing gained. We just do our job and the money is direct deposited. I think I’m going to buy a boat next week.”

    On the ground below the departing C-130, a pair of hairy black feet armed with nasty claws hit the ground. Other pairs of such feet landed nearby. The US military had landed its first company of genetically engineered lycanthropes against ISIS. Within 24 hours, they would regret it.
    The reason that they would regret it would be that a CIA deep penetrative operative with knowledge of the ISIS commander’s precise location would be surrounded by those same lycans, and that they would simply kill him, as they would any ISIS operatives.
    “Mr. President, boots on the ground.” was stated over the telephone.
    President Barack Obama immediately hung up the phone and stated to his closest associates seated around him, “Oh, fuck”.
    Obama paused a moment, and then picked up the dedicated line again and spoke into the phone, “Mr. Chairman, please tell them to be careful”.
    The response that he heard was, “They’re dead men, Mr. President, how can I tell them to be careful.”
    His response was, “Well, I guess you can’t. Carry on Mr. Chairman.”
    “I will do that, Sir. With any luck they’ll get the information out. Otherwise, they will simply be dead, and for nothing.”
    Obama immediately hung up the phone, and said to his friends, “Looks like everything is going to be okay! Let’s party!”


    “How did you get here?”

    “I was bitten, Mr. President.”

    “What do you know?”

    “Enough to put a rope around your neck for treason ten times over and then some, Mr. President. Don’t bother calling the Secret Service, Mr. Obama, they’ve already given their lives in your service. I’ve seen to that. It’s you whose life hangs in the balance, and according to the laws of the United States of America, you, Sir, are a dead man. Good bye.”

    With that, the man who had so easily penetrated White House security disappeared, and was never seen or heard from again. Former United States President, Barack Obama, was hanged by the neck until dead for treason on July 6th, 2018. The ensuing riots by his black supporters were easily suppressed, and the next President, a midwestern Republican, made significant policy changes that stabilized the nation and led it into a hetherto unheard of prosperity.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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