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Bad Parts of Town

Chicago’s shootings tend to be located in the same few areas and blacks disproportionately affected. You don’t say?

4 Responses to “Bad Parts of Town”

  1. Mu Says:

    The report is actually still sweet talking the problem. If you really compare the rates (6% population responsible for 70% shootings) the rest of the populations is 35 times less likely to be shot, not 10 times like implied when compared to the total risk.

  2. Ellen Says:

    It’s all George Bush’s fault.

  3. mikee Says:

    Doesn’t “disproportionalte impact” no matter what the cause require a correction to be made, under government fiat?

    I expect white youths & Asian-American youths & Native American youths and some Pacific Islander-American youths to be bussed into that part of town until the impact of gun violence is equalize across all races!

  4. MJM Says:

    I would like to see the researchers expand their inquiry outward, drawing connections between members of their co-offending Chicago network and criminals committing murder in other cities.

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