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Shooting one handed

Words of wisdom from Matthew:

The truth is you do not “need” two hands on the pistol. You do not. Does it help? Absolutely. But, what you “need” more than anything else is to control the entire situation, and when there are folks with you this means you have to gain control of both them and the bad guy.

If you don’t read his blog, you really should.

6 Responses to “Shooting one handed”

  1. Paul Kisling Says:

    Of course this is all academic if you have very large to huge by large hands holding with two hands is awkward at best and bitey or flash burny at worse.

  2. nk Says:

    I am not very steady on my feet these days, I need some support from one hand on something, so …. And, anyway, that’s how I learned a long time ago.

  3. Barry Says:

    His blog is great. Some of the most thoughtful and practical writing on personal defense and security that I’ve ever read. Importantly, he seems to understand that most people have day-jobs and aren’t interested in being ninjas.

  4. Sid Says:

    I concur.

    And this is part of the evolution of guncraft. The US Army made radical changes in range carry and qualification during the current wars because….. they paid attention to real world shooting situations. Prone supported firing is the most stable way to shoot a rifle and is gone. Weapon is always carried at the ready now and no more up-and-down range BS. Again, because they want soldiers to train in a more realistic way.

    The advice in this article is good. A good guy with a gun is going to do a lot more than shoot. He is going to push/pull people to safety, grab children, push doors, detain suspects, etc…. More emphasis should be palced on one hand shooting in most endeavors…. in my opinion.

  5. RC Says:

    So back to the classic FBI crouch? Maybe so, maybe that always was the most practical, general purpose stance.

  6. Mike Says:

    Good website, but I find white text on black background unreadable. Will not bookmark this blog.

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