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I, terrorist

The founding fathers were extremists kooks, according to the Chair Force.

NYPD labels Mosques terrorist groups. They may be on to something.

Like the number of virgins I’ll get: 72 group the .gov has identified as potential terrorists in official documents.

2 Responses to “I, terrorist”

  1. tokarev Says:

    So basically, anyone who breathes and doesn’t do whatever the government says. Hah!

  2. mikee Says:

    I tried to tally the number of my qualifications as a potential terrorist but gave up when I ran out of fingers and toes.

    Yet I have never advocated violence against citizens or government in pursuit of a political goal, which is what I always understood terrorism to be all about.

    Either I am doing something way, way wrong or the list is.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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