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Actual hero accused of playing hero

Stuff you cannot make up: Canadian Student Stops a Stabbing Attack: Sent Home for “Playing Hero”

3 Responses to “Actual hero accused of playing hero”

  1. Calvin Says:

    Serves him right. Next time he’ll cower in the corner like a good little coward.

    Seriously, I learned a lot more about adults and the adult world in school than they ever meant to teach. Take note: a lot of grownups are fools, especially bureaucrats.

  2. Jack Says:

    Fools are a love for procedures. Since it absolves them of that horrible critical thinking, judgment calls, and responsibility for the preceding.

    Ms. O’Donnell was politely informed the school did not “condone heroics,” she said. Instead, Briar should have found a teacher to handle the situation.

    “I asked: ‘In the time it would have taken him to go get a teacher, could that kid’s throat have been slit?’ She said yes, but that’s beside the point. That we ‘don’t condone heroics in this school.’ ”

  3. JimB Says:

    The teacher would have exited the room and called the police. They would have responded in 20 or so minutes to draw a line around the body and ask a lot of questions… 14 yr old perp would have been tried as a child and back on the street in 6 months… Another strp in the pussification of the western world

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