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Binders full of women

I think it’s pretty stupid to get upset over that comment. It is upsetting that binders indicate Romney hasn’t been in an office in at least 20 years. We have these newfangled computer things now.

27 Responses to “Binders full of women”

  1. countertop Says:

    I still use binders. Next time your in DC come to my office. I have a wall of binders. Sometimes it’s just the best way to store information. Especially of your reviewing it and want to make notes on it. And e able to pass them along and share. And look at multiple pages quickly and efficiently.

  2. Dave Says:

    I’ve run into far too many CEOs and lawyers who avoid computers over the eDiscovery trail they create. It’s funny just how many of them still want things in hard copy, which can be shredded, and meetings in person and not on the phone. They didn’t get to where they are by being careless and stupid.

  3. bobby Says:

    I must not have my liberal butt-hurt-o-meter tuned to ELEVENTY. I heard the comment, knew what he meant and completely FORGOT about it.

    “Binders full of women” = “Numerous CVs and Resumes of potential female candidates”

    God I wish I was so wicked smahrt like a liberal so I could see the obvious dripping sexism and racism.

  4. Kristophr Says:

    The libtards are going full retard.

    They have nothing left in their inventory.

  5. Sid Says:

    I am following his point. When the power goes out, online porn is gone. But not if you binders full of women to ogle.

  6. Bubblehead Les Says:

    Well, considering how well Barry’s Girls (Clinton, Rice, Napalitano, Sebelius, have run things, I say dust off the Binders and see if they want a Job.

  7. Geodkyt Says:

    Um, I have WALLS of binder in my office. And, if you’re receiving hard copy resumes, you KEEP them, so you can “prove” you aren’t discriminating against minorities or females.

    I guess liberals don’t ever keep hard copy. Personally, I find it easier to refer to a half dozen different documents, if they are laid out so I can see them all at once, without clicking through windows — but i don’t have a 60″ wall mounted computer monitor at my desk. . .

  8. Jake Says:

    To join the dogpile: Yeah, computers are nice, but the “paperless office” is a myth, and storing paper originals is still far more common than scanning them for storage and then shredding them.

    Believe me, I have tried to convert the office I work at, and the effort flopped royally (“it takes too much time to scan stuff, only do it if you have to”). It really irritates me when it takes 5 or 10 minutes to dig through a poorly kept and disorganized file (because the attorneys have a bad habit of just shoving things into the folder instead of using the prongs to keep things orderly) when I could have found what I needed in less than a minute if it had been scanned when it came in.

  9. Breda Says:

    And yet, people still submit paper resumes when applying for a job.

    I wonder…how do those hiring keep all those resumes tidy? Hmmm.

  10. alan Says:

    In 2003 (The year Romney was keeping women in binders) I looked at a lot of resumes. On paper. In binders.

  11. SayUncle Says:

    Haven’t seen one on paper in a long time. Most email them. Most listings I’ve seen don’t have snail mail option.

  12. NotClauswitz Says:

    My wife has an office full of color-coded binders of the University financial reports. Scanning or .pdf’ing them is a pain in the ass, and online storage-stuff can be corrupted or hacked by the evil-minded.
    But liberals are only existant in the zen-like Be-Here-and-Now of their iPhones: butterflies, hummingbirds, and crickets.

  13. Montieth Says:

    Yep, I’ve got documentation on power and cooling systems for my data centers on binders too, within arms’ reach. Doesn’t do to have your documentation on a computer when the power fails when you need to refer to it on your power system.

    Binders don’t require power or cooling or anything. Just a light and a brain to use.

  14. Chas Says:

    Obviously, Romney failed to appreciate that Marxist/feminist hubris is such that they imagine themselves to have exclusive political ownership over women, and that they become rabidly incensed by even so much as mere mention of women by a non-Marxist male.

  15. HL Says:

    I have shelves upon shelves full of women.

  16. comatus Says:

    “Binder” was one nickname for the IH Scout. “A binder of women” is a term of venery, like an exaltation of larks, or a murder of crows. I miss them terribly.

  17. Sigivald Says:

    Jake said: It really irritates me when it takes 5 or 10 minutes to dig through a poorly kept and disorganized file (because the attorneys have a bad habit of just shoving things into the folder instead of using the prongs to keep things orderly) when I could have found what I needed in less than a minute if it had been scanned when it came in.

    I wouldn’t assume scanning would help – because they’ll just keep the default filename, probably leave OCR off, and throw it in some random directory, probably not even backed up or on the fileserver.

    The problem is that they don’t care about maintaining organization, not that they’re using paper.

    (I should also note that, from what I’ve heard from the lawyer friend in my life, that sort of behavior is not confined to your office. I suspect it’s ubiquitous, especially among pre-computer-era lawyers.

    Me, I’m not a lawyer – but I am aware that taking time to store my data correctly the first time makes it a million times easier to find later.

    Of course, I’m a programmer… lawyers really need version control software, but the idea of a law office trying to get lawyers to use, say, Mercurial makes me break down laughing.)

  18. Jake Says:

    I wouldn’t assume scanning would help – because they’ll just keep the default filename, probably leave OCR off, and throw it in some random directory, probably not even backed up or on the fileserver.

    Ironically, the folder organization and filename style I came up with ([YYYY-MM-DD] – [$DOCUMENT_DESCRIPTION]), along with saving created documents (word files, etc.) in their folders on the central “Documents” drive rather than the individual’s “My Documents” folder, are one thing I have managed to get the attorneys I work with to follow.

    Fortunately, our IT guy set things up so each “My Documents” folder is actually on the server, and automatically backed up nightly.

    Also, especially when digging through a year or more worth of documents, it can take a significant amount of time to find something even if the file is organized, because there is no cost effective way to easily separate and label individual documents even if they’re separated by type and kept in chronological order (tab inserts cost extra, y’know). You have to find the first page of each document and look at it to see if it’s what you’re looking for or not. When you’re looking for a 3 page document in a folder that’s 2″ thick, it’s a real PITA. When it’s scanned and saved, all I have to do is look at the dates and descriptions in the filename to find the right document.

  19. Jake Says:

    On a side note, it’s amazing how little most attorneys seem to know about MS Word, despite the fact that it’s one of their most frequently used tools – if not the most frequently used. To some, their computer is nothing more than an electronic typewriter that can surf the web and has a calendar on it.

    Seriously, we have Androids and Blackberrys (Blackberries?) for each attorney, paid for by the firm, plus a scheduling and client management program that will sync with Outlook and Android, and only one attorney that doesn’t use a paper calendar instead. And I frequently have to remind her to sync her phone calendar so she doesn’t get double-scheduled.

    Sorry for the rant. I think I found a couple of pet peeves wandering around here, or something. 🙂

  20. Dale Says:

    For the record, Romney did not ask for the binders. They were given to the winner of the governorship for MA (Romney) by a women’s advocacy group.

  21. ExurbanKevin Says:

    Binders full of women, Joe Biden with a stapler.

  22. Kdawg Says:

    If he got the binders at the start of his term as governor it would have been 2003. Not everything was as paperless then as it is now, nor were people as entrenched in technology then as they are now. Cell phones were still used mainly as phones. was just taking off, a lot of the people probably hand delivered or mailed those resumes instead of email or submitting online that we’re all used to now.

    I would have been shocked if a stack of resumes in 2003 were delivered any other way.

  23. comatus Says:

    And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you…

  24. countertop Says:


    That’s why we lawyers need secretaries and paralegals.

  25. Beaumont Says:

    Just to add to the dogpile, my wife’s company uses binders — lots and lots of them — because patient information has a way of getting lost in the computer system. Yes, they probably need better IT. But they also need hard copies for the Feds, the stste, the attoneys…

    My job is one that doesn’t require hard copies, but I keep them anyway, since, as noted above, the info you need can disappear from the company’s servers. One disgruntled IT guy, or a hacker, can cause a lot of damage to a company’s database. Hard copies prove that the info does exist.

  26. Beaumont Says:

    Of course, I should have typed “state”, not “stste”, which is a small curry comb used by Kalahari nomads.

  27. Sebastian Says:

    Sorry for being late here, but I’ve had to be out of the loop for a few days with work and shoveling buckets of dirt out of my basement I didn’t know existed before now. This was probably the best graphic I saw there:

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