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Army unbans P-Mags

Mentioned that they banned polymer magazines a bit back. Well, they take it back. Someone at MagPul is happy with this level of exposure.

6 Responses to “Army unbans P-Mags”

  1. HL Says:

    Knew it all along…had to be a mistake.

  2. PT Says:

    Brownells vs Magpul fight?

  3. Robert Says:

    Yeah, I figured that wouldn’t last too long.

  4. rickn8or Says:

    “Someone at MagPul is happy with this level of exposure.”

    More like someone at TACOM Life Cycle Management Command is UN-happy with HIS exposure.

  5. Bill Says:

    Dangit….I was looking forward to cheap surplus PMags!

  6. Paul Says:

    Me to Bill! There I was waiting for $5 buck P-mags!

    Seriously though OUR GI’s DESERVE THE BEST and not some politician-owned factory rest.

    R&D folks sit back in come cubical and politicians play in their offices and yet they think they know.

    The GIs at the front see what works and what doesn’t.

    So maybe they ought to send the R&D guys to serve with the GIs. Them and the politicians. Then maybe they would come to their senses and stop these games.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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