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Where X = “Not Romney”

I hear this often enough. If X is the candidate, we lose. You’re not framing the debate right. Because, first, who is we? And lose what?

I’m sticking to my theory. Anyone could beat Obama except this crop.

And, yes, I’m quite aware I can be smug and self-righteous because I live in a state that will go overwhelmingly red anyway.

13 Responses to “Where X = “Not Romney””

  1. Kevin Baker Says:

    My QotD a few days ago boiled down to “Any mammal could beat Obama, but everyone running against him is a reptile.”

  2. RWC Says:

    If Romney wins the nomination, say hello to 4 more years of Obama.

    Let’s nominate the guy who lost to the guy who lost to the guy in the White house. GREAT IDEA!

  3. Mike V. Says:

    As the Brits would say BRILLIANT (not). Like RWC, I don’t think Romney will be an improvement if he wins.

  4. Weer'd Beard Says:

    “Anyone could beat Obama except this crop.”

    And I’m wondering if these RINOs and idiots losing to Obama is a BAD thing.

    No matter how the election goes, if a RINO wins, some party pointy-head will declare it a public mandate on RINOS.

  5. RobertM Says:

    My thought as well, Weer’d.

  6. mikee Says:

    Better my living room coffee table than the current occupant of the Oval Office. At least my coffee table would just sit there without causing more trouble.

    However, I disagree regarding the current crop of RINOs including the Mormon Capitalist Massachusetts Governor. Everyone I know would walk barefoot over fiery molten glass pouring gas over themselves, to vote for a syphilitic camel over President Obama. Voting for a Romney or a Paul or anyone else will be much less painful.

    And I recall another governor of a very liberal state, who lost to a real RINO who lost to Jimmy Carter, who then went on to do OK as a president.

  7. wizardpc Says:

    When Democrats control both chambers and the White House, they spend two years going FULL SPEED towards their goals. Examples: AWB and ObamaCare

    When Republicans control both chambers and the White House, they spend two years trying to look like moderate Democrats for fear of losing the next election. Examples: Medicare Prescription Plan and Shamnesty (which thankfully failed, but holy crap did they push it).

    I am utterly depressed.

  8. HL Says:

    Do not take it for granted your state will go red. Look at our newest big city Mayor.

    There are Rogero-villes popping up all over town!

    And now this!

    Will it be followed by “Knoxville rated 8th most liberal in nation”?

  9. Blackwing1 Says:

    I’m figuring that the ONLY candidate that Obama can beat is a RINO that will keep real conservatives, right-leaning libertarians, and independents from voting (at least, voting for the Rep-wing candidate) in the coming election.

    It’s certainly true for me. I could have held my nose and voted for a Paul, a Bachmann, or even a Perry, but Mitt f%$@ing Romney? I’ll write in the wookie before I vote for exactly the same statist, collectivist policies (but with an “R” after them!) as I’d get from the socialist currently in the big white house on the hill.

    The entrenched interests seem to combine in the RNC, the RINOs, and even the lame-stream media in shoving this flip-flopping, pointing-with-the-breeze gutless pile of politician down our throats. No wonder the Dem-wing loves having Romney…he’s one of the few candidates they can beat. But even if they don’t beat him, he’ll be so close to what they’d have had in place that it won’t make any difference.

  10. aeronathan Says:

    Obama is probably the most beatable incumbent president in living memory and the GOP is doing their best to find the one guy that will lose to him…

  11. blounttruth Says:

    Romney trailing Obama by 6 points, Ron Paul by 5 and the rest are far below the margin of error.

  12. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So 2 small states held Primaries, about 300,000 people or so Voted, and the Election is over?

    Granted, this slate of Republitards is as weak as the ’96 Dole campaign, but Reagan’s don’t grow on trees.

    Besides, the MSM LOVES to pick Obama’s opponents.

    LOOOONG way until November.

  13. Bill Says:

    There isn’t a guy in this race that makes any sense as a president; a group of RINO’s and a guy who sounds a crazy as the local Holocaust denier.

    BUT…if we don’t figure this out pretty doggone quick, we’ll get to have 4 more years of BHO, and without another election to win, BHO is flat terrifying to me.

    Making a statement to the Stupid Party by refusing to vote didn’t work when that other guy from Texas ran, (some of you remember Ross Perot, I assume)and it won’t work for Ron Paul or any other libertarian leaning Republican.

    This guy named Reagan started out as a very liberal Democrat, if I recall, ran as a moderate Republican in a fairly liberal state, then ended up as a President that most conservatives remember very fondly. AND he wasn’t perfect on the Second Amendment, either….Remember the Hughes Amendment?

    4 more years of BHO is a terrifying proposition in too many ways to enumerate.

    There is NO WAY that ANY of the Republicans are as bad as that nightmare!

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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