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Law banning facebook

For Missouri teachers. A judge has blocked the law.

5 Responses to “Law banning facebook”

  1. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “That judge is ridiculous! There’s no such thing as too much government! More invasive is more better! It’s just common communist sense to do it that way.”

  2. Ted N(not the Nuge) Says:

    That link goes to a comedy site, right? Right? Oh god, it doesn’t. WTF.

  3. Old NFO Says:

    “Staff members shall use good judgment”, what a NOVEL concept… 🙂

  4. Bubblehead Les Says:

    So how did the Teacher’s who Preyed on Kids do it before Facebook existed, like, what 8 years ago? Mary Jo Laterneau ring a bell?

  5. Justthisguy Says:

    Could we please have a law forbidding everrbody from having anything to do with Facebook, and failing that, forbid anybody from registering to vote if he has a Facebook account?

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