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Quote of the Day

Breda on twitter:

Gun control is to Democrats what gay control is to Republicans.

23 Responses to “Quote of the Day”

  1. ViolentIndifference Says:

    I carry a single gay with me because I can’t carry a whole cabaret.

  2. Dave Says:

    Heh. Hilarious. The only thing I can possibly add to that is a Dirty Harry quote.
    ” I’ll tell you something, if the rest of you could shoot like them, I wouldn’t care if the whole damn department was queer.”
    Crude but to to the point I think. Even if what people do with their junk on their own time is important, we have bigger damn fish to fry.

  3. ViolentIndifference Says:

    An urge to decorate can happen in seconds, while the Queer Eye guys are minutes away.

  4. ViolentIndifference Says:

    If tight buns are outlawed, only outlaws will have tight buns.

  5. Ron W Says:

    The gay agenda is like pro-gunners imposing on anti-gun people to keep and bear arms and then say that it’s a good thing.

    An example would be for me to go to an employer or an organization and demand: I keep guns and I carry a gun therefore you must not discriminate against me and hire me or accept me as a member and then not complain about it or its “hate speech”

  6. anon Says:

    Maybe we should have Open Carry PARADES! Then the lefties would accept us!?!?!

    We’re just a feather boa away from Constitutional Carry!

  7. ViolentIndifference Says:

    I say we change it from concealed carry to out-of-the-closet carry.

    Mom, Dad. I’m nra. Don’t hate me. I think I was born liking guns. They are phallic, you know.

  8. Ron W Says:


    Lefties, like their fascist and commie comrades, would want the hired guns to disarm us by force….just as they do for “hate speech” when you dare to disagree with the gay agenda.

  9. Ron W Says:



    Yeah, hey I was born with a spirit of self-preservation therefore I CHOOSE to keep and carry the means of self-defense. Where is the attitude of “tolerance and diversity” for that???

  10. Bryan S. Says:

    I have to fill out background checks for all my gays?
    Ah hell….

  11. Dan Says:

    Unlike with gay festivals in certain areas, it is considered impolite and even illegal to shoot your load on random strangers with a firearm.

  12. Jake Says:

    ViolentIndifference: Your internets is in the mail.

  13. Chas Says:

    So where’s the aggressive, anti-gay agenda of the Republicans? I don’t see one.
    On the other hand, the Democrats have gun owners targeted for extinction, with ten-year prison terms for over ten-round magazines introduced by Representative Carolyn McCarthy.
    Where’s the equivalent legislation for ten-year prison terms for gays? There isn’t any. Republicans aren’t targeting anybody, but Democrats want us gun owners dead or in prison.

  14. Rignerd Says:

    Speaking for my self, I don’t think Republicans want to control gays.
    I don’t want to reorder my world to legitimize their lifestyle either.
    What ever they do in the privacy of their homes and businesses is none of my concern, I do ask that they pull the blinds and close the doors to minimize the difficult questions from my children.
    I do not wish to take a religious institution, namely Judeo Christian marriage, and redefine it to anything other than what it has been for 5000 +/- 500 years.
    Even though this institution has been recognized by the state and given legal weight, it was not created by the state. It was created by God and given to us in the book of Genesis.

    If someone wishes to be institutionalized by different rules, fine. Create an institution and jump in.

    In the same sense that the Second Amendment is a clearly and easily defined rule with a clear and easily defined purpose, Judeo Christian marriage is a clearly and easily defined institution with a clear and easily defined purpose.

    people + arms = free state
    1 man + 1 Woman = new men and women.

  15. Gunmart Says:

    Remember, gay control is not about gays


    How bout a new gun control policy for our military? Something along the lines of dont ask; dont tell concealed means concealed

  16. Dave Says:

    The way I look at it, if the debt bomb goes off we may end up in a situation that would make the 1930’s depression look like a pillowfight with supermodels.
    If that happens, we will still be having this conversation, only in a long soup line.

  17. Patriot Henry Says:

    “Even though this institution has been recognized by the state and given legal weight, it was not created by the state. It was created by God and given to us in the book of Genesis.”

    State marriage is a very different thing than religious marriage.

    “Judeo Christian marriage is a clearly and easily defined institution with a clear and easily defined purpose.”

    That’s a different thing from state marriage, which requires a state license, a “fee” or bribe paid to the state, the compliance with arbitrary standards, and an incredible failure rate.

    Marriage is a human tradition – it is by no means limited to the Judeo-Christian lineage.

  18. Patriot Henry Says:

    “So where’s the aggressive, anti-gay agenda of the Republicans? I don’t see one.”

    Perhaps the quote should have been “Gun control is to Democrats what ganja control is to Republicans.”

  19. ViolentIndifference Says:

    Ganja doesn’t thrill people. People thrill people.

  20. John Smith. Says:

    You mean constitutionally guaranteed???

  21. Dan Says:

    Many people here much more eloquent than I…glad to see they disagree with Breda’s sentiment.

  22. mariner Says:


    Because gay marriage is right there in the Constitution.

    Right next to the Second Amendment.

    Can’t you SEE that? Can’t you?!

  23. Dan Says:

    No, I can’t. I just think that not supporting gay marriage is different than controlling gays. Just as I think that disapproving of homosexuality does not make me phobic. Or disapproving of islamic terrorists doesn’t make me an islamophobe. I do not equate disapproval with fear.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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