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That’s racist

President Barack Obama calls black people sort of a mongrel people.

13 Responses to “That’s racist”

  1. Dan Says:

    Well, not like he used the word macaca.

  2. Hartley Says:

    And he’s absolutely right – the problem is, if you or I said it, we would be instantly castigated for it – and if an elected Republican (or worse, an identifiable tea-party person of any race or creed) had said it, it would be 50-point headline material.

  3. Rustmiester Says:

    That’s not new. David Duke has been saying that for years.

  4. Sean Braisted Says:

    It also sounds like he also might be endorsing the notion of human evolution…probably far more controversial.

    “Obama noted ‘there’s still a reptilian side of our brain’ that leads people to not trust others ‘if somebody sounds different or looks different.'”

    Either way, there is a difference between stating that black people in America are traditionally of some sort of mixed-race/mongrel heritage, and using the word as an epithet bemoaning integration or inter-marriage.

  5. mike w. Says:

    Either way, there is a difference between stating that black people in America are traditionally of some sort of mixed-race/mongrel heritage, and using the word as an epithet bemoaning integration or inter-marriage.

    True, but if a white guy had said it his intentions would not matter to anyone in the media. The left would scream “RACIST!” and run him out of town.

  6. Tam Says:

    That’s not new. David Duke has been saying that for years.


  7. Sean Braisted Says:


    Depends on the white guy and why they said it, but yeah, probably so. Double standards exist in all realms of life.

  8. ericire12 Says:

    I will add that what he said is by definition racist:

    1. (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Breeds) a plant or animal, esp a dog, of mixed or unknown breeding; a crossbreed or hybrid
    2. (Social Science / Peoples) Derogatory a person of mixed race

    I agree that this is yet another example of a double standard.

  9. Jay Says:

    Most white people are mongrels too. If a white person said that, it would be okay, and if a black person said it it would be called racist. I think that to describe a person as a “mongrel” is generally offensive, but in this case Obama was effectively describing himself. Self-deprecation is viewed as acceptable.

    As for “reptilian side of our brain”, that’s a pretty common term:

  10. Ed Says:

    Um, sorry, but mongrel has connotations that surpass any dictionary definition, and they are not good. One would think the Smartest President Ever (TM) would know that when folks hear someone say “a mongrel people,” they think of “blut und boden” type leaders, not self-depricating uber-intellectuals who are so obviously smarter than anyone else in the nation.

  11. Lyle Says:

    Technically, being a mongrel is the opposite of “in-bred”, and though “mongrel” is often used as an insult it’s actually a good thing. If you’ve read Darwin, you find (as if you couldn’t have figured it out through observation) that a so-called mongrel is more likely to be strong and healthy, while those of “racial purity” are more likely to have genetic related problems. “Pure-bred” animals are a good example, as many of them have genetic health problems.

    FWTW; Some of the most visually attractive women, to me, are of mixed race, i.e. “mongrels”. I don’t think I need to name names as you can probably guess some of the more famous ones. I like to think it’s because I look at genetic strength and vitality as attractive, but it’s just an automatic reaction.

    Frankly; I don’t care what Obama says about anything. If he weren’t president, he be just another no-good, dumbo nothing from whom no one can learn anything other than the need for education reform.

  12. comatus Says:

    Where’s old acquaintance Lergnom on all this, anyway?

    Reptiles have sure been taking it in the gills on all this racialism business, and I don’t see what they’ve done to deserve it.

    Now, I’m as mongrel as the next man (some of my ancestors ate some of the others)–but where does this by-the-book, work-within-the-system Harvard Hawaiian get off, accusing me of disliking him because he “looks and sounds different”? His type is a dime a dozen. As a figurehead, which ought to be his job, I’d be a lot more pleased if he looked and sounded a great deal more different than he does (frankly, he doesn’t act as if he could carry around a real black American’s intimate gym apparel).

    Why can’t he accept it that I don’t like him because he’s a communist? Is it his fear of the Other? Because whatever his Other is, brother I am it.

  13. nk Says:

    I’m a mongrel. Greek/Turk/Slav/Siberian Mongolian/Italian/North African/possibly Amerind (because my Cretan ancestors sailed with Pizzaro and Cortez). Who cares? The person who called my people “mud people” shot himself in the head and his body was burned with gasoline.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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