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Obama: billions for high speed rail

Dude, trains. Or taking economic advice from Lewis Black:

14 Responses to “Obama: billions for high speed rail”

  1. Jay G. Says:

    Okay, so I wasn’t the only person taken aback by Øbama’s bold plan to save the economy being… TRAINS???

  2. Caleb Says:

    Saving the 21st Century economy with the technology of the 19th century!

  3. DirtCrashr Says:

    What a freaking stupid waste of time and money – but it’s a Union Job. We already have trains and what we’ve found-out is they’re good for carrying big and very heavy loads of big and heavy stuff across vast prairies – but they’re not great for going shopping downtown. Especially when the “downtown” – is an un-safe festering swamp of drunks, thugs, muggers and politicians – that’s why people don’t live there anymore – except for some extreme lunatic cases (San Francisco).

  4. Mike Says:

    Obama is just a symptom of what ails America. And what ails America is its view on what the role of government is.

  5. A Horse Thief Says:

    Because adding trains has worked so well in Denver

  6. Lyle Says:

    Here’s the Big Fuckin’ Thing you build to stimulate the economy;
    One Big, Fuckin’, largely tax free enterprize zone, the size of the whole country, with virtually no government “Department of …” anything. Anyone who wants to suck off of the taxpayers’ tits (including 99.99% of all bureaucrats) can move to Canade or anywhere else, or they can beg for charity, which would probably work quite well in cases of actual need because the American people are the most generous people in the world.

    Problem solved.

    You want a socialist commune, get a few hundred like-minded people together and move to Guyana. I’ll supply the Kool-Aid.

  7. Shawn Says:

    Lewis Black is probably my favorite comedian but he has a big flaw. He is anti-gun. Really anti-gun. He did a video for the Brady campaign awhile back. He supports making handguns and semi-auto rifles illegal, and pretty much whatever any anti-gun organsation says.

  8. M4Finny Says:

    Lewis Black = big fat douchebag not worthy of further comment. Next.

  9. Diomed Says:

    It should be a monorail!

  10. Jay Says:

    Go to Japan and experience their rail system and then come back and tell me that rail can’t work. It can work when it’s done properly. It’s incredible.

    Now… the question of if we’ll be able to do it properly…

  11. Matthew Carberry Says:

    The first question to ask is if Japan and the US have enough in common in terms of geography, culture and demographics to even make a useful comparison.


    Why Obama’s sold monorails to Brockway, Ogdenvill and North Haverbrook… =)

    The parallels are frightful, especially Mayor Quimby and Barney’s comments.

  12. Stormy Dragon Says:

    “The solution to the problems of mass transit is staring us in the face. Or, in the case of my rather short children, staring us in the sternum. All over America men and women, at the behest of their children, are getting on board various light-rail systems that don’t even go anywhere. And these trips–if you factor in the price of cotton candy, snow cones and trademarked plush toys–cost considerably more than $19. Yet we’re willing to stand in line for ages to utilize this type of mass transit. All we have to do is equip Hiawatha with a slow climb, a steep, sudden plunge, several sharply banked curves, and maybe a loop-the-loop over by St. Paul.” — P. J. O’Rourke

  13. straightarrow Says:

    I am old enough to have traveled on passenger trains and I mourned their passing. But like the dodo their day is done in this country. And it is probably a good thing.

  14. straightarrow Says:

    Oh yeah, the end of effective mass transit was a direct result and the desired outcome of government and the automakers. Look it up.

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