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Pros and cons of possible SHTF rifle choices


The MINI-14: Could be a good rifle, but it’s not black.

5 Responses to “Pros and cons of possible SHTF rifle choices”

  1. Chris L. Says:

    Funny stuff!!

  2. TheGunGeek Says:

    I look at the Mini-14 and say it’s not non-black enough!

    I would absolutely LOVE to have a 5.56/.223 semi-auto rifle that looked like an average everyday hunting rifle. It would, of course, need to take standard AR magazines, but would be delivered from the factory with a little more-or-less flush mounting 4 or 5 round magazine.

    Sometimes you don’t want to look like a commando, but you still want commando abilities.

  3. GrumpyUnk Says:

    That’s a great article. Something to piss off everyone! Thanks.

  4. MH in GA Says:

    That is funny. Better to have several of each, but I guess I’d have to count myself as a member of the FAL cult (inside of 150m, at least, and outside of 150m I’ll do my best to employ the Nike gambit).

  5. dave Says:

    Racist 🙂

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