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So, about that

I really have nothing to say about Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. It’s so surreal I can’t even work up something snarky to say.

19 Responses to “So, about that”

  1. DAD Says:

    This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard, the deadline for nominations was less than two weeks after he had been in office. They expect us to believe that in less than 2 weeks he had done something so great that he deserved this award. I am going out today and get mine all I have to do is buy a box of Cracker Jacks.

  2. Chas Says:

    He didn’t earn it.

  3. Nate Says:

    It’s for his intentions…….
    COME THE FUCK ON! It just goes to show you that in today’s world, you don’t have to accomplish anything….just have to INTEND to do it and you are a winner!
    But maybe it’s a joke, I mean he has joined the hallowed ranks of former winners. Such successes as, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, Yassir Arafat and Kofi Annan. So to be included in this group of jokers is about as prestigious as winning gold at the Special Olympics….you know the rest.

  4. workinwifdakids Says:

    In Afghanistan, Iraq, the GWOT, Gitmo, etc. etc. etc. he has not done a SINGLE thing differently than his predecessor.

    So, if Obama gets one, he has to share it with Bush.

  5. Kevin Baker Says:

    I can.

  6. NJSoldier Says:

    More of a coronation from Euro trash lefties than an award for any actual achievement. A “Thank you for making America look like shit” award.

  7. Chas Says:

    Markie Marxist sez: “Political correctness according to Marxist values is its own reward, though sometimes you get the Nobel Peace Prize for it too.”

  8. nk Says:

    Although it does make sense, in a way, that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee would give the award to Obama. Every good pimp knows that once your bitch has given you all her money, and you have had your way with her, you have to give her a kiss and tell her that you love her.

  9. Wolfwood Says:

    I like it. Anything that makes even Obama defenders start to get a little uneasy about things (and yes, there are a few who are getting there) is okay with me. Defeating Obama is going to be something that has to be done asymmetrically.

  10. monkeyfan Says:

    It’s a distraction by the euro-peon socialist establishment to take their own people’s eyes off the fact that they -for all their bellyaching about multicultural diversity- have never elected an ‘ethnic’ person to the highest office of their lands even though they are responsible for the hundreds of years of imperialist rapine, colonialism, and genocides that routinely gets blamed/projected on the United States; which has had to save their collective asses from their own feckless selves on more than one occasion.

    Odumbass is also being rewarded for his august work in smashing the house lights of that “shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere”.

  11. W.Richards Says:

    Even NBC was shocked at 5:30 am.

  12. DirtCrashr Says:

    Boy, they’re really hurting their brand like it’s become a fetish with then Nobeloids. But he’s in good company with other Nobel literary frauds, like Rigoberta Menchu.

  13. M4finny Says:

    Nate wrote: “to be included in this group of jokers is about as prestigious as winning gold at the Special Olympics….you know the rest.” Actually, winning the Gold at the Special Olympics is a big deal my friend. Please don’t put Barack H. Obama and the rest of those buffoons in the same category as the Mentally impaired. It’s offensive to the Mentally impaired as they excel by proving that they can win despite any disadvantages they have.

  14. Huck Says:

    This is proof that the Nobel prize is absolutely meaningless anymore.

  15. justaguy Says:

    I thought it was a headline from the Onion when I heard it this morning on the radio

  16. Michael Hawkins Says:

    Maybe we should nominate munchkin wrangler Marko for the nobel prize in literature, I’m sure he intends to write a literary masterpiece one of these days …

  17. aczarnowski Says:

    Actually, winning the Gold at the Special Olympics is a big deal my friend.

    Anybody that doesn’t take a SpecialO athlete seriously has never met one. They are the most hard working, generous, and patient people I have ever met.

    Boise and SpecialO’s elected officials might have self-congratulated themselves to masturbatory heights at the 2009 winter world games, but the athletes still shone through.

  18. JKB Says:

    Funny, when I think Barack Obama, I’m anything but at peace. In fact, it makes me downright skittish.

  19. John Hardin Says:

    I second Huck. The Nobel Peace Prize lost any meaning when they awarded it to Al Gore. This just seals the deal.

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