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Stop! You’re too successful

A couple of interesting points brought up. After the recent pro-gun legislative victories here in Tennessee, Aunt B. wonders if the state legislators have squandered their political capital. And Humphrey looks the possibility that we’ll see some of these gun provisions rolled back, as our governor Bredesen said could happen. Anyway, it begs the question about whether or not our recent successes can damage future successes. Will there be a backlash? The supposed year of the gun (which is more accurately the year without Naifeh) could hurt our cause, some say. Personally, I don’t see it. Other than hand wringing from political sorts and pants-shitting hysteria from some editorial boards and lefty blogs, no one I’ve talked to seems particularly concerned about the various pro-gun bills. But we’ll see, I suppose.

6 Responses to “Stop! You’re too successful”

  1. Boyd Says:

    Undoubtedly, the blood in the streets and drunken shootouts in bars will force Tennessee’s representatives to rue the error of their ways and work feverishly to reverse their wrong-headed mistakes.

    Or not.

  2. chris Says:

    I would like nothing more than the Tn Democratic Party to make gun control an issue in the 2010 legislative session and the races in November, 2010.

    And anytime I go to a restaurant which posts a no firearms sign, I am going to tell the host(ess) that I am not eating at the restaurant because of its policy.

    Tom Humphrey is an insufferable PITA – always has been.

    He quite obviously yearns for the days of the 140 year Democratic stranglehold on state government.

    Your guys had their chance, Tom.

    Get over it.

  3. Weer'd Beard Says:

    +1 what Boyd said. If the laws do no harm to the general people it will only GAIN capital, as it will make the Anti-Gun types look like the raving fear mongers that they are.

  4. Gunstar1 Says:

    We got a restaurant bill passed last year in GA, along with allowing carry in state parks and on public transportation.

    The response from legislators this year was not to roll them back but to leave them all alone.

    The basic response wa;, you got some major changes last year, so this year we are going to focus on other things.

  5. wizardpc Says:

    Mark my words: Jimmy Naifeh and/or the Memphis delegation will introduce rollback bills in January.

  6. Vote For David Says:

    Nobody on the left is worrying about potential rollback to the extent they are ceasing to push for less leftist legislation in the U.S. Congress.

    If the other side isn’t giving up, we can’t.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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