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Tactical Wire reports that the NICS will start requiring place of birth.

6 Responses to “POB”

  1. GrumpyUnk Says:

    Required for a firearms transfer, but not required to be elected President?

  2. Huck Says:

    “Required for a firearms transfer, but not required to be elected President?”

    I’m thinking the same thing…

  3. TNProgrammer Says:

    TN already requires it.

  4. Eagle 1 Says:

    I thought the 4473 already had that on it……

    Eagle 1

  5. Tomcatshanger Says:

    The 4473 form does have place of birth on it, but I suppose NICS was willing to let it pass? I haven’t had a NICS call in 7 years, so I have no idea.

  6. Joe Says:

    ya gatta wonder if “vagina” is an acceptable response….

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