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The Knoxville News Sentinel prints the Campos compost

Uber liberal editor of the Knoxville News Sentinel Jack McElroy prints the “you don’t need guns because America is so safe” liberal fantasy from Professor Paul Campos of the University of Colorado.

What Glenn Reynolds is to conservatives Paul Campos is to extremist liberal fanatics. I had a brief post on Der Professor Campos on SayUncle last week.

What do you make of a person who first writes, “The ongoing overreaction to the 9/11 terrorist attacks is only the most vivid example of how our leaders cynically exploit our fears by making wildly exaggerated claims, such as that Islamic terrorism poses an “existential threat” to America.” Then Professor Campus follows that inane derangement with this, “we should be more afraid of having our children stolen from us by Republicans than by kidnappers.”

Only Jack McElroy would find any value with Paul Campos’s disjointed ramblings.

3 Responses to “The Knoxville News Sentinel prints the Campos compost”

  1. Gunstar1 Says:

    I saw on a show about meteor collisions with the earth that the chance of one large enough to strike the earth and cause mass extinction is extreamly remote. However the outcome of that strike is so disasterous that the risk is too great to ignore. So we now have telescopes designed to look for near earth objects to make sure none will cross our path before we have a chance to stop it.

    So while the risk of a child being taken is small, the near 50-50 chance that once taken, the child will be killed is quite enough for a person to not allow their child out too far unsupervised.

    The statistics say my house will not burn down, no one will try to take items out of it, nor will my car be stolen. Yet I have smoke alarms, locks on the doors and a car alarm. Those things will not stop the act, but the probability is more remote than it was.

    I can stand having my car stolen or home burn down, the loss of a child is something that I would do everthing in my power to prevent and if that means keeping an eye on them, so be it. If it saves one child then it is worth it, or at least thats what the Dems usually say anyway.

    One thing I find funny, that Campo skipped over, is that Ms Skenazy’s son will probably grow up to be a Republican or Libertarian who knows he can rely on himself and not need mom’s or government’s protection to live his life. Which means that while Campo seems to agree with Ms Skenazy, the outcome still seems to be that the child will be “stolen from us by Republicans” because those children will grow be those Republicans (I realize Campo is most likely saying that they will instead die in a Republican sponsored war like Iraq, but the fact remains that he may also grow up to be a Repub and realize that sometimes war is the only option availible)

  2. Lyle Says:

    Of course no one is trying to “cynically exploit our fears” so we’ll give up rights in an attempt prevent the impending doom of global warming. And no one is trying to cynically exploit our fears so we’ll give up other rights, based on some predicted catastrophe. Oh no. Never.

    No one ever tried to cynically exploit our fears by saying that if we instated shall-issue concealed carry laws there would be “blood in the streets” as a result, or “Dodge City Shootouts” all across America. Nope. No one ever, ever said that.

    Scaring people into giving up rights is super cool and responsible, whereas scaring people into wanting to protect rights is “Fear Mongering”.

    Projection– accusing others of what you’ve been doing full-time for decades.

  3. hard believer Says:

    As I stated in #9’s post on the same article: “It ain’t about the odds, it’s what’s at stake.” Always be armed.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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