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Supersoaker flamethrower

Via SayAunt, nice! But kind of dumb.

5 Responses to “Supersoaker flamethrower”

  1. Wickedpinto Says:

    Didn’t bother watching, I know the routine. This IS silly.

    Supporters of the second ammendment should NOT point out how stupid the laws are, and point out how innaffective criminals are in the use of weapons.

    There is a unfortunate, fortunate fact, that when you are serving a purpose? you are more likely to hit your target. People protecting their home against an invader, tend to be pretty damn good at it. People emptying a clip at an oposing gang member to show how big their dicks are, tend to miss the gang members, and sending errant rounds, killing innocents.

    The “gun lobby” engages in marksmanship, and the opposition thinks they are about spraying bullets.

    In Every nation that is not the US, UK, AU they think that owning guns makes them deadly (every muslim nation) then the US UK and AU invade them, and WE hit our targets. THIS is the IDIOCY of the anti-gun F’s. WE can hit targets, so WE are dangerous, which is retarded, we hit targets, which means we don’t kill people other than the ones we intend to kill.

  2. SayUncle Says:

    I don’t think flame throwers are regulated at all (at least federally) since they’re just basically squirt guns.

  3. leanman1 Says:

    That was fabulous. I feel a trip to WallyWorld coming on. If they’d offered super water guns when I was a kid,….well…we’d all have perished…but it would have been fun. Good Vid. Thanks!

  4. Liberty1st Blog Says:

    Yes, I know it’s wrong…

  5. tgirsch Says:


    Uhh, what the hell are you talking about?

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