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Why do you need (fill in the blank)?

It’s a question we gunnies are often asked. Often, anti-gunnies ask why we need AR-15s, .50 Calibers, regular capacity magazines, etc. My response is usually: What’s need got to do with it? However, Head brings up a very good point. Why do the police need a belt-fed squad automatic weapon? I don’t think they train police to lay down covering fire since they’re trained to minimize the risk of damage to passers-by.

5 Responses to “Why do you need (fill in the blank)?”

  1. FreedomSight Says:

    […] Need What I Can’t Have

    Yep, that’s the way I see it.

    This little thought inspired by Say Uncle who asks, “Why do you need (fill in the blank)?”, and […]

  2. Manish Says:

    I would respond with Why do you need South Park?

  3. SayUncle Says:


  4. Austin Says:

    The reason we need military style arms is because that is exactly what is protected by the Second Amendment. It has nothing to do with duck hunting (Senator Kerry). It has everything to do with keeping our government from ever forcibly subduing the citizens, rendering them into subjects. Anyone who doesn’t realize this has not studied history very well.

  5. markm Says:

    Manish, Austin: That’s why you and I might need a belt-fed machine gun. Also because it’s fun to shoot!

    The question is, why does a police department need to spend our money on it? I cannot see a proper police use for it short of putting down an insurrection.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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