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Thou shalt not spam!

Is it just me or has spam has been out of control for the last week. And it’s new spam. Sure, I’ve been getting porn spam, erectile enhancement spam, watch spam and so forth. I’ve gotten Nigerian scam spams. I even get spam in Spanish. The latest wave of spam I’m getting is Christian spam. Strange.

Update: even more strange. I clicked the link the church that sent spam and it’s actually the website of some leftists who have issues with religion. Though the WWJD thong was funny.

One Response to “Thou shalt not spam!”

  1. gunner Says:

    Is it that Wepraisehim spam. For some reason they are spmming an old email address I still check. They also said that they had a compromised computer so they are sending spam to people who should not get it and are very sorry. I don’y buy it for a second.

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