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Some local stuff of significance

Shurf Tim was found guilty of contempt of court:

A state appellate court ruled Tuesday that Knox County Sheriff Tim Hutchison was guilty of lying in response to a request for public records.

Knox County taxpayers should not foot the bill for Hutchison’s convictions for criminal contempt, the court ruled. Instead, the sheriff should pay the $300 fine for six criminal contempt convictions out of his own pocket, the court ruled.

Good news, four were arrested in connection with the murder of a local woman who was killed when someone tossed a large rock from an overpass.

The Knoxville Police Department has some new rides, Impalas.

School solution: cut programs. After all, that wheel tax has to cover important things, like an expensive new library that nobody will use.

5 Responses to “Some local stuff of significance”

  1. Barry Says:

    A state appellate court ruled Tuesday that Knox County Sheriff Tim Hutchison was guilty of lying in response to a request for public records.

    So, we can impeach him now, right? He has to resign in disgrace, right? Can’t let a convicted criminal continue as County Sheriff, right?



  2. SayUncle Says:

    I suppose you could, i’m in blount county. I recall reading the story of a sheriff who was elected but couldn’t carry/own a gun because he was a felon who served a couple years in jail. But the locals elected him anyway.

  3. Thibodeaux Says:

    Heh. Maybe that’s why Andy let Barney do all the shootin’.

  4. james calloway Says:

    Most of those who say the downtown library won’t be used … don’t use the downtown library.

    I live in North Knox and have used Lawson-McGhee from time to time at various times/days. It’s been heavily used whenever I have been there.

  5. SayUncle Says:

    That’s good, james. I just don’t know anyone who does. I hope you’re right.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

Uncle Pays the Bills

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