Archive for December, 2003

December 31, 2003

OK One More Before Next Year

I lied. I haven’t picked up the book I’ve been reading (Stranger in a Strange Land, if you must know) since December 20. Why? Because that’s when I got TiVo. It truly is a great invention but I guess I’ll have to resolve to not let TiVo interfere with my reading.

Ok, Happy New Year. I mean it this time.

I’m outta here

Happy New Year to all! See you kids next year.

Chewable Clan

This post by Bjorn regarding his letter to the Knoxville News Sentinel that was published was discussed by SKB. The comments that ensue lead to a discussion of anonymity at any online forum. Some interesting comments regarding the credibility that assigning a name may lend to an opinion or to writing material.

Of course, even big media has been guilty of not signing editorials at all. I am actually more concerned that both those articles (the former I don’t agree with and the latter I do) don’t have a person to contact who is identifiable (after all, a person is responsible for the article). I don’t care if they go by a real name or not. I just want to be able to shoot them an email and tell them I agree or disagree with them. And people say I am a coward for not putting my name on things! At least you can contact me and refute what I have to say either in comments or via email. Obviously, by that rationale, the editorial staff at the WaPo and the NYT are cowards too. But it doesn’t discredit what they say. What they say discredits what they say (in the case of the WaPo AWB article, anyway).

Yeah, they have a message board but does the editorial staff read it and take it to heart? Doubtful.

Does putting your name on something add to its credibility? Does signing your name imply that you have guts? Is it noble? Are my opinions less valid or important because you don’t know my real identity?

First, if you knew my real identity you wouldn’t care. I’m nobody you’ve ever heard of. I’m just, like, some guy, ya know. Second, why does it matter?

Princess Anne: Bad Pet Owner

Princess Anne’s bull terrier is in trouble again. It bit two children a while back, attacked the queen’s Corgi, and bit a maid. The princess should have socialized her dogs or had servants do it, I suppose.

Interesting side note: Some American Bulldog purists claim that the American Pit Bull Terrier (aka pit bull) is a cross between an American Bulldog and a Bull Terrier. They claim that the bull terrier was originally bred as a dog fighting dog. However, it lacked gameness (tolerance to pain) and the American Bulldog (then the English Bulldog until it was bred to be the absolute abomination of nature it is today) was added to the bloodline to make it tougher. Some argue that this is why the American Pit Bull Terrier is known for dog aggression.

The American Bulldog is actually descended from the English isles. It was a farm dog used for catching and holding cattle and pigs; and a bating animal until that practice was banned. Some were brought to the New World by immigrants to be farm dogs.

The British began breeding the dog (crossing it with Pugs and other smaller bulldogs) as a pet once the ban on bating and dog fighting made the sports illegal. The result is that horribly disfigured, prone to breathing problems, unable to give live birth, and short-lived little hobbit the British seem to be proud of today.

The English farm dog was thought extinct until some were found in Georgia (actually, the American Bulldog is what the Georgia Bulldog college teams are named after – it irks me to see them parade that little freak around) by John Johnson after returning from WW2. Johnson used the small breeding stock to attempt to save the breed. He bred the dogs with various mastiffs, pit bulls and other dogs with the goal of maintaining the appearance. Johnson bulldogs are large and powerful.

The other type of American Bulldog, the Scott type named after another breeder, is smaller than the Johnson but more athletic. Also known as the Performance American Bulldog, this is the type that I have. They look like very large pit bulls.

There is, of course, major disagreement as to which (Johnson or Scott) dog is (or is more closely similar to) the original bulldog. Depending upon which pictures of the old dogs you see, the case is arguable either way. Regardless, both are fine breeds with great physical ability and unwavering love for their masters.

Also, these bloodlines are in some way shared with Boxers, Mastiffs, Rottweiler, Bull Mastiff, Boston Terriers, American Staffordshire Terrier, and many other breeds of dog.

And yes I’m aware my side note is longer than the original reason for the post. What was I talking about?

Oh, him again

The epic battle of Rich vs. Fumento kicks off again.

Al Gore Knighted


The man dubbed the father of the World Wide Web {snip} has been awarded a knighthood in the New Year honours.

Sorry, couldn’t resist. Actually, the guy’s name is Tim Berners-Lee.

Good Idea

Tennessee Republicans want independent audits for government agencies. I think it’s a great idea (full disclosure: I’m an accountant with extensive government auditing experience – ka-ching):

State government needs to be audited annually by independent outsiders and voters should get more say in choosing certain state officials and judges, state House Republican leaders said yesterday.

As a run-up to the Jan. 13 start of the General Assembly, GOP leaders unveiled more initiatives yesterday. It was the fourth in a series of press conferences this month for the minority party.

The proposed legislation calls for a more efficient government and a more accountable legislature, said Rep. Tre Hargett, R-Bartlett, leader of House Republicans.

Maybe I don’t pay attention but . . .

I find it odd that Clark’s first TV commercial in Tennessee is news in Knoxville yet when the man was actually in town, I had to hear about it from SKB.

Update: Michael Silence emails me a story the KNS did that covered the Clark rally. I apologize, poor wording on my part. What I meant was that I didn’t see any announcement beforehand that Clark would be in Knoxville, except for at SKB’s site. The KNS did cover the rally but I wonder if they announced that the rally was coming. Actually, did any local media announce it? It’s possible they did and I missed it but I do read local media pretty religiously.

Update2: I was completely wrong. Apparently, it was mentioned by Georgiana Vines and on the radio. Must be that media bias. Consider the post rescinded.

The lies continue

This unsigned editorial in the WaPo is rather full of lies and misinformation.

Gun Industry Immunity: You’re wrong. The sniper got the gun by stealing it.

Assault Weapons Ban: Does not ban 19 specific military style assault weapons. It bans certain aesthetic features rifles can have.

Background Checks: I’m indifferent as to whether records should be destroyed after 24 hours of a sale of a gun.

Gun Show Loophole: There is no gun show loophole. There is only the right of citizens to engage in lawful commerce.

It’s probably a good thing that the author refused to sign it.

December 30, 2003

Does this make you feel safer?


A woman with a camera curiously eyes a member of the New York City Police Department’s Hercules Team patroling New York’s Times Square, Monday night, Dec. 29, 2003.

It makes me feel less safe.

Welcome back, maybe

It seems the world saw a drive-by Rachelling. She did mention she might blog again. Well Rachel, let’s have it.


Note to self: Self, don’t peel an orange when you have a cut on your finger.

No deseo el Spam

Anyone else notice an increase in spam from Spanish language sources? No necesito la ampliación del pene.

ClipDraw and Saf-T-Blok Review

I purchased a ClipDraw for my Glock 30. It is easy to install and quite convenient. Those folks at ClipDraw thought of everything. I was leery of carrying the Glock with the trigger uncovered, as I am with any gun that has a trigger pull that is that light (about 5 pounds), because if it somehow managed to go off there’d be no future little uncles since I tend to carry in the front of my pants. I would carry my Sig 229 with the trigger uncovered because the trigger pull is much heavier (about 12 pounds) and less likely to be accidentally pulled. Never fear, ClipDraw to the rescue.

I also purchased the hand Saf-T-Blok. The Saf-T-Blok fits snuggly behind the trigger and prevents the trigger from being drawn rearward. This is almost as good as covering the trigger with traditional holsters. The Saf-T-Blok can also have a lock run through it to act as a child safety lock. Additionally, the Saf-T-Blok can prevent your gun from being used against you. Most people don’t know what a Saf-T-Blok is nor do they know how to pop it out. The Saf-T-Blok also adds zero to the amount of time it takes to draw and fire as you can pop it out on the draw.

The great thing about this combination is that you don’t have the added bulk of a holster. This added bulk could lead to a pistol printing (i.e., the imprint being seen through your clothing). I can (and have) carried the ClipDraw equipped Glock while wearing jeans and a t-shirt since the holster doesn’t add bulk. It is difficult for us skinny guys to carry without printing and I am glad a product is available that solves this problem without me having to wear sweaters and jackets in warmer weather. However, given Glock’s light trigger pull I’d have to recommend getting the Saf-T-Blok as well.

The ClipDraw is available for makes and models of popular semiautomatic handguns and revolvers. A definite must have.

Update: An update to this post can be found here.

New to the Blogroll

New to the blogroll is Miniluv, who illustrates the asininity of the Assault Weapons Ban much more succinctly than I did.


Another thing to add to my cold dead hands list!

Shifting Gears

It appears some of my liberal friends have become disenchanted with Dean. He’s like the losing race horse: Good out the gate but can’t make the long haul.

I wonder if we’ll see a mass exodus of Dean supporters switching to Clark? How do I feel about Clark? Well, being the single issue voter I am, he doesn’t pass the test at all.

It is probably a good idea for Democrats to switch to Clark. Why, you ask. I’ll tell you. Clark has a shot at beating Bush in the general election. Dean cannot. Of course, I doubt Clark can beat Dean in the primaries.

Note to Democrats: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Maybe next time.

Volunteer Tailgate Party

CJ has the latest.

If I could add one thing

it would be that instead of just poetry, I’d say that 99.99% of all art sucks.

Some truth to it

I’m not a big fan of Ann Coulter but, via Guy Montag, she writes about When Blue States Attack and opines that the red states leave the blue states alone but the blue states keep sending their lawyers to the red states.

Of course, I think we red states should just invade the blue ones. Heck, we have all the guns.

Al Gore’s Wig Emporium

Apparently, the Sunsphere is broadcasting the sounds of various barnyard animals to repel birds. This is annoying to the neighbors. Now, there’s a Simpson’s episode for you.


With the terror alert thing now in a perpetual state of orange (meaning high), people often ask me what that means and what I do about it. As for what it means: nothing. As for what I do about it: carry an extra magazine.


I’m sure Kevin is responsible for this.

Concerned pit owner

A woman refutes doggie racism.

December 29, 2003

One of my favorite smart asses is back

Good news: Rodger is back. Bad news: I can’t find his archives.

New stuff at the Shooters’ Carnival

Les buys a 22 and I tell you what not to do with that concealed weapon.

Iran’s Leader Vows to Rebuild After Quake, Continue to Crush Dissent

Per Yahoo:

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei visited the devastated city, where more than 25,000 people have died, and told hundreds of victims gathered in the street that he shared their grief.

Maybe he could do something about that little problem with freedom while he’s at it, or someone will do it for him. Mark my words, it’s coming.

Tax on hope update

Tennessee’s tax on hope will kick off in about six weeks.

Do some research

A police officer was shot in gun free New York, which isn’t odd but what is odd is this paragraph from the article:

While authorities continue to piece together exactly what happened late Tuesday night, they do know one thing for certain–the weapon of choice used by the suspect, Keshon Everett. It was a semi-automatic machine pistol.

What the hell is a semi-automatic machine pistol it’s either a semi-automatic or a machine gun. Not both. You’d think a reporter in a state with so many shootings would maybe learn a thing or two about guns from exposure, if nothing else.

No reason provided

A guy goes and argues that, per the tax code, he shouldn’t have to pay taxes. The court rejected his motion without any opposing argument from the government and the judge provided no reason as to why the motion should be denied.

Sure, the guy may be wrong but the courts at least need to hear his case. That’s why we have courts, in case you were wondering.

Update: Tom’s smarminess in comments got me to looking for the case at the Court’s site and I noticed the PDF was blank. So, I googled up this Evans person and he has a website. On his website, he has the court’s opinion from October 2, 2003. It seems (and I am happy to say) the court did not dismiss his case without a reason. I guess the guy tried to do it again in December and was dismissed outright for trying that before.

Remember, I do this to entertain me, not you.

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