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Iraq and Stuff

I’ve intentionally not spoken about Iraq. The reasons were that I was uncertain as to my feelings. Then, last night on The History Channel, I saw a program entitled Why Can’t They Kill Saddam. Stuff I learned:

The Iraqi government has employees whose job titles are Taker of the Honor of Women. Yes, government sponsored rape. The Takers will go to the home of an alleged spy or dissident and brutally rape his wife, sister, or mom in front of him until he confesses or gives up information that the government needs.

Saddam was not put in power by the US, as people allege. He took power when his cousin resigned for health reasons. The US just funded the Iraqis during the Iraq/Iran war.

The Clinton administration was very (I know this will come as a surprise) wishy-washy with respect to Iraq. A former CIA operative was interviewed on the program. He was sent (by the administration) with the mission of destabilizing the government for regime change. He was (within days) approached by generals of Saddam’s own armies who offered to stage a coup, if the US would give support (financial, military, etc.). The eager agent phones Washington and tells them that what they wanted is about to occur and asks if the US will give support. The administration took its sweet time as the coup began planning. Then at the last minute the administration said ‘You’re on your own.’ Further, they charged the CIA operative with conspiracy to attempt murder of Saddam. Yes, you hear that right. Absolutely ridiculous.

Torture is widespread in Iraq. Saddam’s image is required by law to be displayed in every home, on every street, on the front page of every publication, and the first image shown on the nightly news.

The Iraqi citizens (as a result of the misinformation that Saddam propagates) are uncertain of the US position. Who can blame them? They know that the US supported Saddam in the Iraq/Iran war. They know that the US invaded them. And Saddam has said (obviously lying) that he’s in cahoots with the US from time to time. So, the Iraqi citizens should be told that the US is definitely anti-Saddam.

All this in addition to Saddam violating the UN sanctions regarding weapons. So, I think the US should seek regime change in Iraq and if military action is the best option, it should be used.

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